Arthur Winer

Dr. Arthur M. Winer is Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Environmental Health Sciences and a core faculty member in the UCLA Environmental Science and Engineering Program, of which he was the Director between 1989 and 1997. Dr. Winer is an atmospheric chemist who has published more than 200 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters on a wide range of atmospheric chemistry, air pollution and exposure assessment topics over the past forty years. He holds an associated appointment in the UCLA Institute of Environment and Sustainability and continues to conduct collaborative research in retirement. In addition to his research and teaching contributions, Dr. Winer has worked for more than three decades at the local, state, and national levels to promote legislation and public policies designed to address a broad range of air pollution, environmental justice, public health and urban planning concerns.  


  • Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, CA
  • PhD, Physical Chemistry, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
  • BS, Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, CA

Selected Publications

  • Choi, W., D. Ranasinghe, K. Bunavage, J.R. DeShazo, L. Wu, R. Seguel, A.M. Winer and S.E. Paulson. 2016. The Effects of the Built Environment, Traffic Patterns, and Micrometeorology on Street Level Ultrafine Particle Concentrations at a Block Scale: Results from Multiple Urban Sites. Science of the Total Environment, 553: 474-485.

  • Ranasinghe, D.R., W. Choi, A.M. Winer and S.E. Paulson. 2016. Developing High Spatial Resolution Concentration Maps Using Mobile Air Quality Measurements. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16: 1841-1853.

  • Choi, W., A. M. Winer and S. P. Paulson. 2014. Factors Controlling Plume Length Downwind of Major Roadways in Nocturnal Surface Inversions. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14: 6925-6940.

  • Choi, W., S. Hu, M. Hu., K.Kozawa, S. Mara, A. M. Winer, and S.E. Paulson. 2013.  Neighborhood-scale air quality impacts of emissions from motor vehicles and aircraft.  Atmospheric Environment, In Press.
  • Choi, W. H. Meilu, K. Kozawa, S. Mara, V. Barbesant, A. M. Winer and S. P. Paulson.  2012  Prevalence of Wide Area Impacts Downwind of Freeways Under Pre-Sunrise Stable Atmospheric Conditions.  Atmospheric Environment, 62: 318-327.
  • Kozawa, K, A. M. Winer, and S.A. Fruin.  2012.  Ultrafine Particle Size Distributions Near Freeways: Effects of Differing Wind Direcion on Exposure.  Atmospheric Environment, 63: 250-260.
  • Quiros, D., Z. Qunfang, S.E. Paulson, R. Wang, W. Choi, A.M. Winer and Y. Zhu.  2012.  Air Quality Impacts of a Scheduled 36-Hour Closure of a Major Highway.  Atmospheric Environment, 67: 404-414. 
  • Hu, S., S. Paulson, S. A. Fruin, K. Kozawa, S. Mara, and A. M. Winer, 2012. Observation of Elevated Air Pollutant Concentration in a Residential Neighborhood of Los Angeles California Using a Mobile Platform,” Atmospheric Environment, 51: 311-319.
  • Suk Park, S.  K. Kozawa, C. Jakober, S. Fruin, S. Mara, Y. Hsu, A. M. Winer and J. Herner.  2011.  Emission Factors for High-Emitting Vehicles Based on On-Road Measurements of Individual Vehicle Exhaust with a Mobile Measurement Platform.  Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, 61: 1046-1056. 
  • Yamamoto, N., D. G. Shendell, A. M. Winer and J. Zhang,  2010.  Residential Air Exchange Rates in Three Major U.S. Metropolitan Areas: Results from the RIOPA Study 1999-2001. Indoor Air, 20: 85-90.   
  • Kozawa, K. H., S. A. Fruin and A. M. Winer. 2009.  Near-Road Air Pollution Impacts of Goods Movement in Communities Adjacent to the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Atmospheric Environment; 43: 2960-2970.
  • Hu, S., S. A. Fruin, K. Kozawa, S. Mara, S. Paulson and A. M. Winer. 2009.  A Wide Area of Air Pollutant Impacts Downwind of a Freeway during Pre-Sunrise Hours. Atmospheric Environment; 43: 2541-2549.
  • Wu, J., D. Houston, F. Lurmann, P. Ong and A. M. Winer. 2009.  Exposure of PM2.5 and EC from Diesel and Gasoline Vehicles in Communities near the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, California. Atmospheric Environment; 43: 1962-1971.
  • Livingston, C, P. Rieger and A. M. Winer. Ammonia Emissions from a Representative In-Use Fleet of Light- and Medium-Duty Vehicles in the California South Coast Air Basin. Atmospheric Environment 2009; 43: 3326-3333.
  • Houston, D., M. Krudysz, and A. M. Winer. Diesel Truck Traffic in Port-Adjacent Low-Income and Minority Communities; Environmental Justice Implications of Near- Roadway Land Use Conflicts. J. Transp. Research Board 2008; No. 2067: 38-46.
  • Wu, J., A. M. Winer and R. J. Delfino. Exposure Assessment of Particulate Matter Air Pollution Before, During and After the 2003 Southern California Wildfires. Atmospheric Environment 2006; 40: 3333-3348.
  • Houston, D., P. Ong, J. Wu, and A. M. Winer. Proximity of Licensed Childcare to Busy Roads in California: Implications for Vehicle-Related Pollutant Exposure. American Journal of Public Health 2006; 96: 611-619.
  • Sabin, L. D., E. Behrentz, A. M. Winer, S. J. Lee, D. R. Fitz, D. V. Pankratz, S. D. Colome and S. A. Fruin. Characterizing the Range of Children?s Air Pollutant Exposure During School Bus Commutes. J. Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology 2005; 15: 377-387.