Riti Shimkhada
Riti Shimkhada received her PhD in Epidemiology from UCLA with an emphasis on health services research. Shimkhada is a senior research scientist at UCLA’s Center for Health Policy Research, where she is involved in research on a number of health policy topics such as health care costs, health disparities, data equity, disaggregated data, and immigrant and global health. Shimkhada has been involved in a number of recent efforts to improve data equity and data disaggregation for smaller communities that have been hidden in large population based surveys and have not had access to information about themselves. She is also a member of the Task Force for the California Health Benefits Review Program (CHBRP), a multi-UC campus research collaboration that provides independent analysis of proposed health insurance benefit mandates. She is involved in a number of reports examining the impact of various legislative policy actions in California. A leader in conducting legislative scans and developing reports for policy makers as well as lay audiences, she has unique experience in communication for bridging the divide between research and policy action. She is an active peer reviewer for a number of journals and her peer-reviewed publications have been featured in the areas of health policy, international and environmental health, and social epidemiology.