Robert Weiss
I like working in an academic environment because of the variety of projects I get to work on and because I get to work with many great students on research projects, paper writing, and as dissertation advisor. I've supervised over 30 Biostatistics doctoral dissertations to date and have helped doctoral students from numerous departments with their dissertations!
- PhD, Statistics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 1989
- MS, Statistics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 1987
- B.Math, Mathematics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 1984
Areas of Interest
My biostatistical research interests include Bayesian methods, meta-analysis, longitudinal data analysis, and hierarchical modeling generally. Bayesian methods are useful in all data analysis offering flexibility and simplicity in statistical modeling. Problems with meta-analysis include abstracting data from papers, multiple data points from single studies, and missing data. Issues in longitudinal data include (i) having a multivariate observation or a spatially distributed observation at each time point, (or both!) (ii) nonlinear time trends and (iii) covariance modeling. I work in model development (Figuring out what is the right model for a given data set), model checking (I have a model, but is it right and how can I improve it?), and model selection (Here's a bunch of models, which one is best?).
Motivation for much of my research comes from the statistical difficulties seen in my collaborative work, particularly in the analysis of human behavior, emergency medicine, and ophthalmology. In HIV research, my colleagues and I study HIV+ and HIV-at-risk individuals, substance use disorders, and linkage to care. For Emergency Department research, we've mostly recently been studying bad cardiac outcomes after syncope (fainting). In Ophthalmology, my colleagues and I are studying declining visual acuity and loss of nerve layers in the macula in people with moderate to advanced glaucoma. Visual acuity is a functional measure; it is a spatially located measurement of how well a person can see, how well they can function. Macular nerve layer thickness is a structural measurement, a physical measurement of the health of the macular tissue. These functional measures may be measured on a grid of points called superpixels, or on a circle of points called sectors.
Selected Publications
- Visit Google Scholar
- Mohammadzadeh, Vahid; Su, Erica; Zhuang, Iris; Besharati, Sajad; Park, Justin; Yonge, Andrea;
Shi, Lynn; Caprioli, Joseph; Weiss, Robert E., Nouri-Mahdavi, Kouros (2025). Retinal Nerve Fiber
Layer Rates of Change Comparison of Two Optical Coherence Tomography Devices. Opthalmology
Glaucoma, to appear. - Figueroa, Judy; Su, Erica; Mohammadzadeh, Vahid; Besharati, Sajad; Mohammadi, Massood;
Ashrafkhorasani, Maryam; Law, Simon K.; Coleman, Anne L.; Caprioli, Joseph; Weiss, Robert
E., Nouri-Mahdavi, Kouros (2025) Association of Blood Pressure and Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer
Rates of Thinning in Patients with Moderate to Advanced Glaucoma. Ophthalmology Glaucoma, - Edwards, Gabriel G.; Moghanian, Brandon; Reback, Cathy J.; Schrode, Katrina M.; Weiss, Robert
E.; Harawa, Nina T. (2025). Comparing PrEP use among men who have sex with men with a recent
incarceration history. AIDS Care, - Su, Erica; Weiss, Robert E.; Nouri-Mahdavi, Kouros; Holbrook, Andrew J. (2024). A Spatially
Varying Hierarchical Random Effects Model for Longitudinal Macular Structural Data in Glaucoma
Patients. Annals of Applied Statistics, 18(4), 3444–3466. - Su, Erica; Mohammadzadeh, Vahid; Mohammadi, Massood; Shi, Lynn; Law, Simon K.; Coleman,
Anne L.; Caprioli, Joseph; Weiss, Robert E.; Nouri-Mahdavi, Kouros (2024). A Bayesian Hierarchical
Spatial Longitudinal Model Improves Estimation of Local Macular Rates of Change in Glaucomatous
Eyes. Translational Vision Science & Technology, 13(1), 26. PMC10829804 - Mohammadzadeh, Vahid; Su*, Erica; Shi, Lynn; Coleman, Anne L.; Law, Simon K.; Caprioli, Joseph; Weiss, Robert E.; Nouri-Mahdavi, Kouros (2022). Multivariate Longitudinal Modeling of Macular Ganglion Cell Complex: Spatiotemporal Correlations and Patterns of Longitudinal Change. Ophthalmology Science, 2(3), 100187.
- Wang, Jason and Weiss, Robert E. (2022). Local and Global Topics in Text Modeling of Web Pages Nested in Web Sites. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 173, 107518. arXiv:2104.01115
- Mohammadzadeh, Vahid; Su, Erica; Zadeh, Sepideh Heydar; Law, Simon K.; Coleman, Anne L.; Caprioli, Joseph; Weiss, Robert E.; Nouri-Mahdavi, Kouros (2021). Estimating Ganglion Cell Complex Rates of Change with Bayesian Hierarchical Models. Translational Vision Science and Technology, 10(4):15. PMC8054624
- Asarnow, Robert F.; Newman, Nina; Weiss, Robert E.; Su, Erica (2021). Studies Examining ADHD Diagnoses Following Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: A Meta-Analysis. JAMA Pediatrics, 175(10), 1009–1016.
- King, Adam J. and Weiss, Robert E. (2021). A General Semiparametric Bayesian Discrete Time Recurrent Events Model. Biostatistics, 22(2) 266–282.
- Li, Michael Jonathan; Su Erica; Garland Wendy H; Oksuzyan, Sona; Lee, Sung-Jae; Kao, Uyen H.; Weiss, Robert E.; Shoptaw, Steven J. (2020). Stimulant use, housing instability, and depressive symptoms: Trajectories of HIV viral suppression in the context of coordinated case management and comorbid conditions. JAIDS, 84, 387–395. PMC7327135
- Probst, Marc A.; Gibson, Thomas; Weiss, Robert E.; Yagapen, Annick N.; Malveau, Susan E.; Adler, David H.; Bastani, Aveh; Baugh, Christopher W.; Caterino, Jeffrey M.; Clark, Carol L.; Diercks, Deborah B.; Hollander, Judd E.; Nicks, Bret A.; Nishijima, Daniel K.; Shah, Manish N.; Stiffler, Kirk A.; Storrow, Alan B.; Wilber, Scott T.; Sun, Benjamin C. (2020). Risk-stratification of Older Adults who Present to the Emergency Department with Syncope: The FAINT Score. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 75(2), 147–158. PMC6981063
- Goodman-Meza, David; Weiss, Robert E.; Gamboa, Sebastián; Gallegos, Abel; Bui, Alex A.T.; Goetz, Matthew B.; Shoptaw, Steven; Landovitz, Raphael J. (2019). Long Term Surgical Outcomes for Infective Endocarditis in People Who Inject Drugs: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. BMC Infectious Diseases, 19(1), 918. PMC6839097
- Weiss, Robert E.; Xia, Xiaomao; Zhang, Nan; Wang, Hui; Chi, Eric (2018). Bayesian Methods for Analysis of Biosimilar Phase III Trials. Statistics in Medicine,37, 2938–2953.
- Beymer, Matthew; DeVost, Michelle A.; Weiss, Robert; Dierst-Davies, Rhodri; Shover, Chelsea; Landovitz, Raphael; Beniasians, Corinne; Talan, Ali; Flynn, Risa; Krysiak, Robyn; McLaughlin, Kayla; Bolan, Robert (2018). Does HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Use Lead to a Higher Incidence of Sexually Transmitted Infections? A Case-Crossover Study of Men Who Have Sex with Men in Los Angeles, California. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 94(6), 457–462. PMC6482844
- Chen, Qiaolin; Weiss, Robert E.; Sugar, Catherine A. (2018). A Bayesian Confirmatory Factor Model for Familial Data with Multiple Outcomes. Statistics in Medicine, 37, 1696—1710. PMC5895511
- Cunningham, William E. ; Weiss, Robert E.; Nakazono, Terry; Malek, Mark; Shoptaw, Steve J.; Ettner, Susan; Harawa, Nina T. (2018). Effectiveness of a Peer Navigation Intervention to Sustain Viral Suppression among HIV-Positive Men and Transgender Women Released from Jail: A Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA Internal Medicine, 178(4), 542–553. PMC5885257 With invited commentary: Lisa R. Metsch; Tracy Pugh; Grant Colfax (2018). An HIV Behavioral Intervention Gets It Right–and Shows We Must Do Even Better. JAMA Internal Medicine, 178(4), 553–555.