Honor Roll 2017
This Honor Roll gratefully acknowledges gifts and private grants made to the school from January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2017.

Honor Roll 2017
The UCLA Fielding School of Public Health is pleased to honor our donors whose generosity strengthens our school and keeps us at the forefront of public health education, research and service. This Honor Roll gratefully acknowledges gifts and grants of $1,000 and above made to the school from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017. Contributions of every amount are of great importance to the school and are deeply appreciated. We are also grateful to those who give of their time and talents to enhance the educational experiences of our students.
Major Gifts ($25,000 and above)
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation
American Cancer Society Inc.
Brain and Lung Tumor and Air Pollution Foundation
Breast Cancer Research Foundation
The California Endowment
California Health Care Foundation
The Nathan Cummings Foundation, Inc.
Cornelia Daly and Arthur Southam
de Beaumont Foundation
The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
Lorraine and Gerald Factor
Sallyann and Eugene Fama
Carol and Russell Faucett
Karin and Jonathan Fielding
The Ford Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
William T. Grant Foundation
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Jody Heymann and Timothy Brewer
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc.
Kayne Foundation, Ric & Suzanne Kayne and Jenni, Maggie & Saree
The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
Don S. Levin Trust and Edna & Tom Gordon
Alfred E. Mann Nevada Foundation
Monica Salinas
Shirley and Ralph Shapiro
UniHealth Foundation
Annual Gifts ($1,000 - $24,999)
Grace and Craig Acosta
Marianne and Abdelmonem Afifi
Marsha and Ira Alpert
American Public Health Association, Inc.
Vicki and Nwachukwu Anakwenze
Linnae Anderson and Thomas Epley
Annual Reviews
Sandra and Charles Aronberg
Nasreen Babu-Khan and Howard Lehrhoff
Neal Aaron Baer
Barbara Berney and Jack Needleman
Carolyn and Ross Bersot
Diana Bontá and Frank Matricardi
Devra and Lester* Breslow
Marianne and E. Richard* Brown
Pamela B. Buffett
Linda Burnes Bolton
Burroughs Welcome Fund
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Barbara and Kelly Chan
Valerie Ann Chan
Liz and Augustine Chang
Barbara and Parimal Choudhury
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Elizabeth K. Claman
June and Morris* Claman
Clinton Coil and William Robb
COPE Health Solutions
Mary and Roger Detels
Daryl Dichek and Kenneth Smith
Phyllis and Daniel Epstein
Preston James Fielding
Rita Flynn and Ralph Frerichs
Susan Fredericks and Jeffrey Ploussard
Nola Geffner-Mihlsten and George Mihlsten
Danielle and Stephen Gelber
General Anesthesia Specialists Partnership Medical Group
Alisa Miriam Goldstein
Katherine and Russell Gottfried
Tal Gozani and Didier Reiss
Dean Hansell
Health Action International
Alice Holzman and Charles Briggs
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Intelegy Corporation
Peter C. Israel
Christina and John Ivie
Juel and Jay* Janis
Jennie and Raymond Jing
Beth and Avram Kaplan
Karlene and Masao Koketsu
Laurie and Gerald Kominski
L.A. Care Health Plan
Rebecka and Steven Levan
Deborah Levy and Bert Russo
Virginia Li and Leonardo Chait*
Amy and Richard Lipeles
Heather Laura Long
Memorial Health Services
MH3 Corporation
Beth and Leslie Michelson
Mitsubishi Corporation
Molina Healthcare, Inc.
Joanne and Marc Moser
Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
National Cattlemen's Beef Association
Nature's Best Cleaners, Inc.
Charlotte and Alfred Neumann
NRG Oncology
John E. Osborn
Karen and Lawrence Platt
Preferred IPA of California
Press On Cleaners
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Shane Stephen Que Hee
Ramesh Raghavan
Kenneth Jay Resser
Denise and Weston Richter
Anne Rimoin and Brook Claman
Linda Rosenstock and Lee Bailey
Carissa and Jack Schlosser
Lauren and Jeffrey Segal
Hyun and Frank Seo
Sean Xiao Heng Shao
Lorraine and Sidney Sheinberg
Shoshana and William Sheinberg
Atsuko Shibata
The Shirlen Fund
Elizabeth Sloss and James Korelitz
Southwest Wetlands Interpretive Association
Stupski Family Foundation
Eileen and Irwin Suffet
Sheila and Eloy Torrez
Leslie Vermut and Thomas Weinberger
Ann Marie and Richard Villaescusa
Henrietta Villaescusa*
Carole and Paul Viviano
Yie-Chia and Bao Wang
Jay Jongho Won
Lui Che Woo Prize Limited
It is important to us that we acknowledge your gift properly. Every effort has been made to ensure the completeness and accuracy of this Honor Roll. Please let us know of any omissions or errors by calling 310.825.6464 or emailing publichealth@support.ucla.edu.
Legacy Society 2017
The UCLA Legacy Society honors alumni, faculty, staff and friends who have chosen to remember UCLA in their estate plans. We gratefully acknowledge the following Legacy Society members who have directed their legacy gifts to The Fielding School of Public Health.
Marsha and Ira Alpert
Angel Appleton
Carolyn Parrish and H. Marshall Blann
Joy Blevins
Krisianna R. Bock
Devra M. Breslow
Marianne P. Brown
John M. Browning
Maryan G. Bunga
Sander Greenland
Joanne R. Jubelier and James D. Zidell
Laurie K. and Gerald F. Kominski
David Krasnow
Delores V. and Ola Olambiwonnu
Jeannette V. Orel
Joyce A. Page and Jemal Akcha
Sandra O. Saunders
Patricia J. and Richard E. Sinaiko
Kimberley A. Sinclair
Donna L. and Wendell C. Trent
Suebelle S. and David S. Verity
Cathy Cheshire and Lan S. Wu
If you have included FSPH in your estate plans and your name is not listed here, please contact us at 310.825.6464 or publichealth@support.ucla.edu so we can recognize you and include you in special events for Legacy Society members.