The UCLA Seminar on Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy: The Inaugural Schweitzer Distinguished Speaker

Join the February 1 UCLA Seminar on Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy event, featuring the inaugural Schweitzer Distinguished Speaker, Mark Pauly.

"The United States is on the verge of making the prices of patent-protected pharmaceutical a matter of political negotiation. Economic theory says that pricing of such a product represents a tradeoff between profit-based incentive to invest in new and better drugs and price-based deterrence of efficient use of already developed drugs. This talk will outline the evidence we have (and do not yet have) on the three crucial relationships needed to judge whether efficient prices would be higher or lower than current US price levels for such drugs. The role of expected profits in the investment/supply decision for R&D, the way in which a seller with a patent sets prices, and the consequences of different prices for effective usage of drugs will be discussed. Key pieces of missing evidence will be subject to emphasis, suggestion, and conjecture."