FSPH at the 2018 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting
Don't miss presentations by FSPH faculty, students and staff at the 2018 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting.

UCLA Fielding School of Public Health faculty, students and staff will present at the 2018 American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting in San Diego.
For a schedule of presentations by members of FSPH's UCLA Center for Health Policy Research click here.
Be sure to stop by FSPH's booths at APHA, #744 and #746, and join us at the Fielding School Alumni & Friends Reception on Monday 11/12, 6:30pm - 8:30pm, at Old City Hall.
❖ See below for a list of FSPH presentations and click here for a list of all 2018 APHA Annual Meeting presentations:
Sunday, 11/11
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Poster Presentation:
"Mechanisms linking day labor as precarious work to health and well-being: A national exploration"
Alein Haro, alumna; Michael Rodriguez, faculty; Randall Kuhn, faculty; Abel Valenzuela, faculty
1:30 pm ‐ 2:30 pm
Poster Presentation:
"Examining reasons behind high unintended pregnancy among women in methadone treatment in Los Angeles, CA"
Marta Bornstein, student
2 pm - 3:30 pm
"ASPPH Career Services Forum: A multifaceted approach to public health career & professional development training"
Kristy Sherrer, staff
3 pm ‐ 4 pm
Poster Presentation:
"Sexual orientation differences in gun ownership and beliefs about gun safety policy, General Social Survey 2010‐2016"
Kirsty Clark, student
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Poster Presentation:
"Expanding Capacity in HRSA-funded health centers to address the national opioid and substance abuse crisis"
Nadereh Pourat, faculty, et al.
Monday, 11/12
8:30 am - 10 am
"Smoke‐free multi‐unit housing: Science, policy and implications"
Peggy Toy, staff
8:30 am - 10 am
"Keys to a healthy built environment lessons from the field"
Ayako Utsumi, alumn
9:30am - 09:50 am
"Health of Philippine Emigrants Study (HoPES): Design and rationale"
Gilber Gee, faculty, Catherine Crespi, faculty, et al.
10:30 am ‐ 11:30 am
Poster Presentation:
"Physical Activity through Sustainable Transport Activities (PASTA) in Los Angeles"
Christina Batteate, staff
10:30 am ‐ 11:30 am
Poster Presentation:
"Wireless Emergency Alert Messages: Influences on respondent behaviors"
Grace Kim, student, Deborah Glik, faculty
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Poster Presentation:
"Integrating evaluation methods to assess the impact of a teen dating violence prevention program"
Emily Bell, alum, Laureen Masai, staff, et al.
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
"Career Advice: Professor"
Steven Wallace, faculty
10:40 am - 10:50 am
"What do population-based health surveys across the nation tell us about the state of data disaggregation for AANHPIs?"
Ninez Ponce, faculty
1 pm - 2:30 pm
"What do public health professionals need to know about racism?"
Chandra L. Ford, faculty, Gil C. Gee, faculty
1 pm - 2 pm
Poster Presentation:
"Homelessness and discrimination among US adults"
Gilber C. Gee, faculty, et al.
1 pm - 2 pm
Poster Presentation:
"Latino and Asian immigrants’ experiences accessing health care under state-level immigrant policies: RIGHTS Study Baseline Findings"
Iris Guzman-Ruiz, staff; Maria-Elena De Trinidad Young, staff; Tiffany Li, staff; Steven Wallace, faculty
1 pm - 2:30
Poster Presentation:
"Lessons Learned: Youth engagement in innovative teen dating violence prevention program"
Emily Bell, alum; Laureen Masai, staff, et al.
1 pm ‐ 2:30 pm
"Excellence in Research: Manipulation and Mobilization. Appropriateness methods, patient preferences, patient‐centered outcome and cost/resource utilization"
Ron Hays, faculty
1 pm ‐ 2:30 pm
"Ensuring the right to health and health equity among AA & PIs"
Adrian Bacong, student
1:40 pm - 2 pm
"A Matter of Citizenship? Exploring the health profiles of non-citizen Asian ethnic groups in California"
Adrian Bacong, student, Anne Pebley, faculty
3 pm - 3:20 pm
"Aging and Public Health Lifetime Achievement Award Ceremony: Recipient, FSPH's Steve Wallace"
Steve Wallace, professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences and associate director of FSPH's UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, will be be honored by the APHA Aging and Public Health Section with the 2018 Aging & Public Health Lifetime Achievement Award. The award is presented to an individual with a career exceeding 20 years who has made significant contributions to public service, scholarship, or science in the areas of geriatrics and gerontology.
3 pm - 4 pm
Poster Presentation:
"Developing an agent‐based model to study factors affecting breastfeeding initiation and maintenance in a low‐income population"
Linghui Jiang, student
3 pm - 4 pm
Poster Presentation:
"Grief among spousal caregivers of patients with early-onset dementia"
Elvira Jimenez, student, Steve Wallace, faculty; Mario Mendez, facutly
3 pm - 4 pm
Poster Presentation:
"Finding common ground to navigate and survive: Formative research on the experiences of and support for breastfeeding mothers at a large public university"
Emily Bell, alum, Carey Walovich, student, Trista Benitz, student, Jasmine Uysal, student, Leah McConnell, May Wang, faculty, et al.
3 pm - 4:30 pm
"PH Leadership: Building capacity to improve women’s health equity"
Nathaniel Anderson, student, Natalie Rhoads, staff
3:20 pm ‐ 3:40 pm
"Mental Health Equity for Indigenous Latinos Now! Implementation and evaluation of a community‐developed, promotora‐led prevention and early intervention mental health program for indigenous Latinos"
Alison Herrmann, staff
3:25 pm - 3:45 pm
"Using anti-racism approaches to study the health implications of racism"
Kia Skrine Jeffers, staff, Chandra L. Ford, faculty
Tuesday, 11/13
9 am - 10 am
Poster Presentation:
"Adolescent sedentary time: Role of neighborhood safety in racial and income disparities"
Susan Babey, staff, Joelle Wolstein, staff
9 am - 10 am
Poster Presentation:
"Position, latching and galactagogues: A content analysis of breastfeeding videos on YouTube"
Gabriela Lazalde, student
9 am ‐ 10 am
Poster Presentation:
"Examining breastfeeding patterns in the first year among WIC beneficiaries in Los Angeles County"
Linghui Jiang, student
9 am ‐ 10 am
Poster Presentation:
"A community-based participatory research approach to investigating intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion among Arab Americans"
Angubeen Khan, student
9 am - 10:00 am
"Can Pumping in Stressful Environments Affect Mothers’ Health? A Mixed-Methods Investigation into Health Outcomes of Breastfeeding Women Returning to the University Setting"
Jasmine Uysal, student, Trista Benitez, student, Cristina Hunter, student, Emily Bell, alum, Carey Walovich, student, May Wang, faculty
9:10 am - 9:30 am
"Housing for Health: Perspectives of multiple stakeholders"
Kathryn G. Kietzman, Alina Palimaru, Adrian Bacong et al.
10:30 am - 10:35 am
"Health Disparities & Aging: Findings from NIA RCMAR investigators"
Carl V. Hill, Steve Wallace, faculty
10:30 am - 10:50 am
"How structured racism reinforces white privilege: Insights from Critical Race Theory"
Chandra L. Ford, faculty
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Poster Presentation:
"Weight perception and perceived attractiveness associated with self‐rated health in young adults"
Sarah Roth, student, Dawn Upchurch, faculty
10:30 am ‐ 11:30 am
Poster Presentation:
"Identifying resiliencies for aging with HIV: Discussions with older people living with HIV in Palm Springs"
Alejandra Cabral, student
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Poster Presentation:
"Linguistic preference and item non-response"
Laureen Masai, staff, Tara Becker, staff; Ninez Ponce, faculty
10:30 am ‐ 11:30 am
Poster Presentation:
"A bibliometric analysis of worldwide scientific literature in complementary therapies over 70 years: A JoinPoint regression analysis"
Nghi Tran, student
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Poster Presentation:
"Sex differences in use of complementary and integrative health by U.S. military veterans with chronic musculoskeletal pain"
Dawn Upchurch, faculty
10:30 am - 12 pm
"Innovative approaches to CHW interventions and interprofessional education"
Sylvia Lopez, staff, UCLA KP Center for Health Equity/Center for Cancer Prevention & Control (moderator)
10:50 am - 11:10 am
"Methods for measuring the transgender population and implications of policy changes for population survey data collection"
Tara Becker, staff, et al.
10:50 am - 11:10 am
"Neighborhood ethnic and socioeconomic contexts and breast cancer among Asian-American Women"
Brittany Morey, Gilbert Gee, faculty, May C. Wang, faculty, Ondine Von Ehrenstein, faculty, Scarlett Gomez
10:50 am - 11:50 am
"Impact of role models on teen sugary drink consumption"
Joelle Wolstein, staff, Susan Babey, staff
11:10 am - 11:30 am
"Male” and “Female” is not enough: Replacing the standard binary gender question on population-based surveys"
Jody Herman, Tara Becker, staff, Sari Reisner et al.
12:30 pm - 2 pm
STATS luncheon
2018 Lowell Reed Lectureship: “Providing Actionable Information to Advance Public Health in the Age of Twitter”
Tom Belin, professor in the Department of Biostatistics, has been conferred the honor of delivering the Lowell Reed Lectureship from the Applied Public Health Statistics Section of the APHA. This lectureship recognizes Professor Belin's distinguished contributions to the field of biostatistics.
1 pm - 1:20 pm
"HRSA-funded health centers reduce disparities in medical, dental and mental health care for uninsured and low-income populations"
Nadereh Pourat, faculty, et. al.
1 pm ‐ 2 pm
Poster Presentation:
"Overview and intervention results from the Biomedical Research Career Identification in Graduate Education Project"
Ezinne Nwankwo, student
1 pm ‐ 2:30 pm
Poster Presentation:
"Dismantling structural inequalities through partnerships: An on-the-ground view"
Millicent Robinson, student
1 pm - 2:30 pm
Poster Presentation:
"Nutrition Interventions for Substance Use Disorder Recovery"
David Wiss, student
1:20 pm ‐1:40 pm
Poster Presentation:
"Examining the influences of group diversity on the processes and achievements of community‐based participatory research partnerships: A mixed methods study"
Paul Chandanabhumma, student, Chandra L. Ford, faculty
1:20 pm - 1:40 pm
"Impact of HRSA-funded health centers in health care delivery in rural communities"
Nadereh Pourat, faculty, et al.
1:40 pm - 2 pm
"Organizational factors associated with disparities in cervical and colorectal cancer screening rates in HRSA-funded community health centers"
Emmeline Chuang, faculty, et al.
2 pm - 2:20 pm
"Assessing the impact of patient-centered medical home principles on outcomes of care among patients with hypertension in HRSA-funded health centers"
Nadereh Pourat, faculty et al.
3 pm - 3:15 pm
"Transforming public mental health care for older adults with serious mental illness"
Kathryn G. Kietzman, Daniell Dupuy, Alina Palimaru, et al.
3 pm ‐ 3:20 pm
"Stand Against Interpersonal Violence (SAIV): Student‐led advocacy as a tool to mobilize public health community to engage in violence prevention"
Bernadett Leggis, alum, Marisol Frausto, alum, Sarah Blenner, staff, and Michael Prelip, faculty
3 pm - 4:30 pm
"Understanding and overcoming nutritional barriers among high-risk groups"
Naomi Louie, student
3 pm - 4:30 pm
"Protecting the Future of Global Health: Policy Advocacy Initiatives to Mobilize Students and Faculty"
Thomas Coates, faculty, Mili Patel, student, public health minor, et al.
4 pm - 4:20 pm
"Criminalizing state policies and health care inequalities: An examination of noncitizens’ access to care across states"
Maria-Elena De Trinidad Young, staff
5 pm - 5:15 pm
"Survey leaders' perspectives on disaggregated data collection, coding and reporting through the lens of identifying Asian-American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander racial/ethnic groups"
AJ Sheitler, Riti Shimkhada, staff, Ninez Ponce, faculty
5 pm ‐ 5:20 pm
"Striving for equity in tobacco prevention programming: A community‐academic partnership (engaging students and educators) to revise an evidence‐based curriculum for deaf and hard of hearing youth"
Alison Herrmann, staff
5:15 pm - 5:30 pm
"Improving data capacity for American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations"
Ninez Ponce, faculty, Tara Becker, staff, Susan Babey, staff, et al.
5:30 pm - 5:45 pm
"Capturing racial/ethnic diversity in population-based surveys: The importance of data disaggregation"
Ninez Ponce, faculty
Wednesday, 11/14
8:30 am ‐ 10 am
"Keep Us Safe: Focusing our gun violence prevention efforts"
Billie Weiss, alum
8:30 am ‐ 10 am
"Health equity 'Within our REACH' pragmatic evaluation of community‐driven efforts to increase healthy food and beverage consumption among African-Americans in Stockton, California"
Alison Herrmann, staff
11:30 am ‐ 11:50 am
"FDA’s Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) for Transmucosal Immediate Release Fentanyls (TIRFs)"
Jeffrey Rollman, student
1:30 pm - 1:50 pm
"Unaffordable housing and the home environment of low‐income preschool-aged children living in Los Angeles County"
Tabashir Nobari, staff
1:30 pm - 1:50 pm
"Ethnic and racial self-identification across Hispanic-Latino subgroups in the California Health Interview Survey"
Priya Thaker, staff, Laureen Masai, staff, Daniel Hanaya, staff, Tara Becker, staff, Ninez Ponce, faculty