
May 17, 2021
WHO: Long working hours increase deaths from heart disease and stroke

UCLA Fielding School of Public Health professor Dr. Jian Li is a key contributor to international team that found long working hours increase deaths from heart disease and stroke.

Source: Environment International Read Full Article
Dr. Anne Rimoin
May 17, 2021
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health’s Dr. Anne Rimoin to keynote at LABest 2021 on “The Next Pandemic”

Dr. Anne Rimoin, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health professor of epidemiology, will speak on “COVID-19 and Beyond: Preventing the Next Pandemic Before it Starts” at the annual LABest 2021 conference, May 25-27.

Source: LA Bioscience Ecosystem Summit 2021 Read Full Article
May 11, 2021
UCLA report provides close look at state’s ‘Whole Person Care’ pilot health program

The UCLA Fielding School of Public Health's UCLA Center for Health Policy Research released findings that may improve health quality and outcomes for high-need, at-risk groups.

Source: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research Read Full Article
May 11, 2021
Newly published comparison of global health insurance systems demonstrates U.S. weaknesses

Newly published comparison of global health insurance systems demonstrates U.S. weaknesses: The first edition of “Health Insurance Systems: An International Comparison,” authored by Fielding School professor Dr. Thomas Rice and published by Academic Press, is now available.

Source: Academic Press Read Full Article
stressed person
April 28, 2021
Breaking down barriers to care for metastatic breast cancer patients

UCLA researchers recommend state-level policy changes to improve health insurance coverage, participation in clinical trials and access to palliative care.

Source: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research Read Full Article
April 15, 2021
Black, Hispanic, Native Americans have borne the burden of years of life lost from the pandemic

A UCLA Fielding School of Public Health-led team has found that Hispanic, Black, and Native Americans have carried the burden of the pandemic, both in overall mortality and specifically in years of potential life lost, in an analysis of 45 U.S. states and the District of Columbia (D.C.).

Source: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Read Full Article
Dr. Chandra Ford
April 15, 2021
UCLA Fielding School-Howard University team awarded $1.7 million for research on racism and COVID-19 crisis communication

UCLA Fielding School-Howard University Team Awarded $1.7 Million for Research on Racism and COVID-19 Crisis Communication.

Source: UCLA Newsroom Source: Howard University Read Full Article
Griffith Observatory with LA skyline
April 14, 2021
COVID-19 mortality rates in Los Angeles County higher in communities with poor air quality

A UCLA-led study found COVID-19 mortality rates in Los Angeles County are higher in communities with poor air quality.

Source: Environment International Read Full Article
April 13, 2021
When immigrant policies are decriminalized, babies are born healthier

UCLA Fielding School of Public Health led-research finds that criminalizing immigrant policies were associated with higher rates of preterm birth for Black women born outside the U.S.

Source: JAMA Network Open Read Full Article
Sick and Tired book cover
April 12, 2021
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health scholar’s work on fatigue and health published today

‘Sick and Tired - An Intimate History of Fatigue,’ authored by Fielding School Professor Emily K. Abel and published by the University of North Carolina Press, is now available.

Source: UNC Press Read Full Article
Paul Torrens
April 12, 2021
UCLA Fielding School Professor Emeritus Dr. Paul Torrens recognized with Lifetime Achievement Award by Partners in Care Foundation

Dr. Paul Torrens, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health professor emeritus of Health Policy and Management, will be honored with the 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award for his mentorship and leadership by the Partners in Care Foundation at the Partners’ Annual Tribute Dinner on Monday, June 21, 2021.

Source: Partners in Care Foundation Read Full Article
Dr. Steven Wallace
April 9, 2021
In Memoriam: Dr. Steven P. Wallace

In both his research and fieldwork, Professor Wallace worked to better understand the dynamics of social inequality and how it impacts health equity, as well as how policy and community approaches can improve health equity.

Source: UCLA Newsroom Read Full Article