Honor Roll 2020

The UCLA Fielding School of Public Health is pleased to honor the donors whose generosity strengthens our school and keeps us at the forefront of public health education, research and service. This Honor Roll gratefully acknowledges gifts and grants of $1,000 and above made to the school from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Contributions in any amount are of great importance to the school and are deeply appreciated. We are also grateful to those who give of their time and talents to enhance the educational experiences of our students.
Honor Roll 2020
Major Gifts ($25,000 and above)
The African Network for Health Education
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Anonymous (2)
Archstone Foundation
Jean Balgrosky '74, MPH '80, PhD '15 and Parker Hinshaw
Beta Healthcare Group
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Marianne Brown
California Center for Public Health Advocacy
The California Endowment
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Alison and Richard Crowell MBA '80
Cornelia Daly '77, MD '83 and Arthur Southam MD '83, MPH '84
Don S. Levin Trust and Edna & Thomas Gordon
Sallyann and Eugene Fama
Karin and Jonathan Fielding
Cynthia Harrell-Horn and Alan Horn
Health Effects of Air Pollution Foundation
Peter C. Israel
Kaiser Permanente and Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc.
Karen Toffler Charitable Trust
Kayne Foundation, Ric & Suzanne Kayne and Jenni, Maggie & Saree
Laurie and Gerald Kominski
La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology
The Multiple System Atrophy Coalition
Prevention Institute
RAND Corporation
The Rip Van Winkle Foundation
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Kristi Savacool
The Shurl and Kay Curci Foundation
Southwest Wetlands Interpretive Association
Time's Up Now
Thomas Wander
Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks
Annual Gifts ($1,000 - $24,999)
Grace and Craig Acosta MBA '88, MPH '89
Marianne MLS '93 and Abdelmonem Afifi
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation
Marsha '64 and Ira Alpert MSPH '66
Vicki and Nwachukwu Anakwenze MPH '05
Annual Reviews
Anonymous (3)
Sandra MPH '88 and Charles Aronberg '50
ASUCLA Undergraduate Students Association
Roshan and Sharok Bastani
Barbara Berney MPH '73 and Jack Needleman
Mary and Robert Blair Jr. MPH '88
Monique Blum and Alan Zaentz '76
Diana M. Bontá MPH '75, DRPH '92 and Frank Matricardi MPH '72, DRPH '82
Browne and Associates, Inc.
Doris Browne MPH '68
Linda Burnes Bolton MN '72, MPH '76, DRPH '88
Scott Z. Burns
California Health Care Foundation
Sylvia and David Carlisle MPH '88, PhD '92
Nolinda and William Caswell MBA '82, MPH '83
Barbara MSPH '73 and Kelly Chan MBA '69
Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science
Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Sachiko and Arthur Cho PhD '58
Dart Group Foundation, Inc.
Nardeen B. Dawood
Deloitte & Touche LLP Foundation
Katherine Desmond and Thomas Rice
Ernest A. Diaz '88, MPH '92
Daryl Dichek MPH '87 and Ken Smith
Deborah Eicher
Susan L. Ettner
Lorraine and Gerald Factor
Preston J. Fielding
Rita Flynn and Ralph Frerichs
Foundation for Global Sports Development
Jonathan E. Freedman '86, MS '91
Patricia MD '73 and Tomas Ganz '70, MD '78
Good Hope Medical Foundation
Adit and Tsahi Gozani
Tal Gozani MA '96 and Didier Reiss JD '04
Griffon Corporation
Joan Guilford and Richard Jackson
Bruce and Cindy Hanson
Lauren A. Harrell MS '11, PhD '15
Diana '71, MS '88, DRPH '98 and Joe Hilberman '70, JD '73
Alice Holzman and Charles Briggs
Houlihan Lokey
Christina and John Ivie MPH '80
J & R Schwartz Family Foundation
Jeannette V. Orel Revocable Trust
Jennie '71, MS '72 and Raymond Jing MD '75
John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation
The Jones-Lauchengco Family Fund
Dorothy and Peter Katona
John B. Kessler MS '89, MBA '02
Grace Kim Crofton MPH '93
Han and Robert Kim-Farley MPH '75
Masao Koketsu '60
Ronald Kramer
Barbara '77 and Kenneth Kubarych
Vei-Vei '82, MS '84 and J. Lee MS '84, PhD '89
Rebecka MPH '95 and Steven Levan
Deborah Levy '80, MPH '83 and Bert Russo
The Lewis Trust
Jennifer and J. Christopher Lewis
Light & Salt Association
Linda and James Lippman
Mark Lipson
Heather L. Long MPH '03
Karen and Walter Loewenstern
Qing-Yi Lu and Zuo-Feng Zhang
Mark Hughes Foundation
Osvaldo Martinez MPH '03
McKeon Family Foundation
Merck & Company Inc.
MH3 Corporation
Beth and Leslie Michelson
National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants, Inc.
Nike, Inc.
NRG Oncology
Carrie Odell and Simon T.
Kimberly and Michael Ong
Anne MD '80 and Daniel Ovadia '74, MD '80, MPH '16
Christy and Peter Palmisano
Jesal and Samit Parikh
Lori MPH '96, PhD '02 and Daniel Pelliccioni
Drew and Kelsi Perttula
Susan Philip
Karen '74 and Lawrence Platt
Shane S. Que Hee
Sujatha Ramesh and Ramesh Raghavan PhD '03
Kenneth J. Resser '72, MS '86
Linda Rosenstock and Lee Bailey
Sale Family Foundation
Shing and Mark Schluchter MS '79, PhD '82
Varda and David Schriger MPH '89
Jennifer Schwab and Gordon Wangers
Rachel and Jeff Schwartz
Lauren '80 and Jeffrey Segal
Shirley '59 and Ralph Shapiro '53, JD '58
Atsuko Shibata MPH '90, PhD '95 and Tajima Homma
The Shirlen Fund
Elizabeth Sloss MPH '77, PhD '83 and James Korelitz '74, MS '75, PhD '84
Stella and Guy Soohoo MPH '85
Spencer Stuart
Donna J. Tesi MPH '84
Hiroshi Tsuji
United Way of Greater Los Angeles
Valley Presbyterian Hospital
Carole and Paul Viviano
Lili Wang MPH '93 and Larry Liu PhD '95
Julie Waxman and Seth Freeman MPH '19
Sankey Williams
Debra and Francis Wong MD '81
Adele Yellin '69
It is important to us that we acknowledge your gift properly. Every effort has been made to ensure the completeness and accuracy of this Honor Roll. Please let us know of any omissions or errors by calling 310.825.6464 or emailing publichealth@support.ucla.edu.
Legacy Society 2020
The UCLA Legacy Society honors alumni, faculty, staff and friends who have chosen to remember UCLA in their estate plans. We gratefully acknowledge the following Legacy Society members who have directed their legacy gifts to the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health.
Marsha '64 and Ira Alpert MSPH '66
Joy T. Blevins MPH '97
Krisianna R. Bock MPH '00
Devra M. Breslow
Marianne P. Brown
John M. Browning MPH '94
Maryan G. Bunga MPH '66
Cathy Cheshire and Lan Wu '56, MPH '72
Anne and John Dalis
Patricia S. Dillon
Sander Greenland MPH '76, DRPH '78
Joanne Jubelier '65 and James Zidell '91
Laurie K. and Gerald F. Kominski PhD
David Krasnow MPH '98
Delores MPH '73 and Ola Olambiwonnu
Joyce A. Page '69, MSPH '74 and Jemal Akcha
Carolyn Parrish and H. Marshall Blann '57
Sandra O. Saunders MPH '75
Patricia J. and Richard E. Sinaiko MPH '77
Kimberley A. Sinclair '87, MPH '05
Kathy P. and John D. Stein MPH '76
Donna MED '67 and Wendell C. Trent MPH '71