UCLA Fielding Hall of Fame


Eighty UCLA Fielding graduates have been inducted into the Hall of Fame since it was established in 2002. You can read more about them at ph.ucla.edu/alumni, where you also can submit a nomination for future consideration.

Hall of Fame Inductees

Manal Aboelata, MPH ’01
Ira Alpert, MSPH ’66
Frederick Angulo, PhD ’95
Wendy Arnold, MPH ’82
Stanley Azen, PhD ’69
Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, MPH ’86, PhD ’94
Elaine Batchlor, MPH ’90
Linda Bien, MPH ’79
Robert Black, MPH ’76
Lisa Bohmer, MPH ’94
Diana Bonta, MPH ’75, DrPH ’92
Claire Brindis, MPH ’73
Ralph Brindis, MPH ’72
Doris Browne, MPH ’68
Linda Burhansstipanov, MPH ’72, DrPH ’74
Mario Ricardo Calderon, MPH ’84
Emmett Chase, MPH ’90
Virginia Clark, PhD ’63
Francine Coeytaux, MPH ’82
Ludlow Creary, MPH ’73
Suzanne Dandoy, MPH ’63
Michele Devlin, MPH ’89, DrPH ’95
Paula Diehr, MS ’67, PhD ’70
Sam Downing, MPH ’71
D. Peter Drotman, MPH ’75
Emily Feher, MPH ’12
Ignacio Ferrey, MPH ’04
Betsy Foxman, MS ’80, PhD ’83
Mark Gold, DEnv ’94
Harold Goldstein, MS ’89, DrPH ’97
Raymond Goodman, MPH ’72
Richard Goodman, MPH ’83
Sander Greenland, MPH ’76, DrPH ’78
Kathryn Hall-Trujillo, MPH ’76
Nancy Hessol, MS ’82
Rachel Hornstein, MPH ’13
Nancy Ibrahim, MPH ’93
Kristin Kalla, MPH ’93
Carolyn Katzin, MS ’88
Robert Kim-Farley, MPH ’75
Kenneth Kizer, MPH ’76
James LeDuc, MSPH ’72, PhD ’77
J. Jack Lee, MS ’84, PhD ’89
Stanley Lemeshow, PhD ’76
Rod Lew, MPH ’88
Peter Long, PhD ’08
Neal Lonky, MPH ’97
Nicole Maderas, MPH ’03
Ana Mascareñas, MPH ’15
Angela Oh, MPH ’81
Kavita K. Patel, MS ’05
Ninez Alafriz Ponce, PhD ’98
Michael Prelip, MPH ’85
Myat Razak, MPH ’91, PhD ’95
Jean Richardson, MPH ’71, DrPH ’80
Keith Richman, MPH ’83
Anthony Rodgers, MS ’76
Pauline Rosenau, MPH ’92
Lisa Rubenstein, MS ’81
Goleen Samari, MPH ’10, PhD ’15
Donna Sanders, MPH ’81
Vonthanak Saphonn, MS ’04, PhD ’03
Jessie Sherrod, MPH ’80
Irwin Shorr, MPH ’72
Stephen Shortell, MPH ’68
Eva Smith, MPH ’90
Arthur Southam, MPH ’84
Marc Strassburg, MPH ’75, DrPH ’81
Thinh Toan Vu, MPH ’20
Shiing-Jer Twu, PhD ’91
Nuntavarn Vichit-Vadakan, MPH ’81, DrPH ’87
Paul S. Viviano, MPA-PH ’76
Barry Wallerstein, DEnv ’88
Donna L. Washington, MPH ’95
Fred Wasserman, MPH ’72, DrPH ’76
Billie Weiss, MPH ’81
Kenneth Wells, MPH ’80
Zunyou Wu, MPH ’92, PhD ’95
Antronette Yancey, MPH ’91
Elizabeth Yano, MS ’87, PhD ’96


Hall of Fame Inductees

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