Minor in Public Health
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
The undergraduate minor in Public Health is open to UCLA undergraduates by application. The minor provides interested students an opportunity to learn more about core public health functions, including the assessment and monitoring of the health of communities and populations at risk, identifying health problems and priorities, and understanding the formation of public policies designed to solve local and national health problems. Current UCLA Undergraduate Students: Review our Undergraduate Student Services Google site for more information about our programs, application, important dates, and resources.
Minor Requirements (students who complete Public Health C150)
- Public Health C150
- Biostatistics 100A
- Community Health Sciences 100
- Environmental Health Sciences 100
- Epidemiology 100
- Health Policy and Management 100
- One upper division elective course from the school’s course offerings (4 units)
Minor Requirements (students who complete Public Health 50A + 50B)
- Public Health 50A and 50B
- Three courses from among Biostatistics 100A, Community Health Sciences 100, Environmental Health Sciences 100, Epidemiology 100, and Health Policy and Management 100
- Two upper-division elective courses from the school’s course offerings (8 units; no more than 4 units from 195 to 199 numbered courses may be applied)
Minor Policies
Students must complete a minimum of 20 units in the minor requirements in addition to units applied toward their major requirements or another minor. Each minor course must be taken for a letter grade, and students must achieve an overall grade-point average of 2.0 or better in the minor. Successful completion of the minor is indicated on the transcript and diploma.
Students must apply for admission to the undergraduate minor in Public Health. The Office for Undergraduate Student Services will notify all applicants of their admissions decisions via email. Review our Undergraduate Student Services Google site for the most up to date information about our admissions requirements, application, and related dates.
Frequently Asked Questions
I won’t be able to take PH 50A. Can I still apply to the minor?
Yes. If you have completed other Public Health courses, such as Public Health C150, and have volunteer or academic experience related to public health, the Undergraduate Admissions Committee will consider your application. It is strongly recommended that you speak with the School’s academic advisors before applying.
Can I apply to the BA, BS, and the minor at the same time?
The Undergraduate Admissions Committee will consider each applicant’s progress toward completing the preparatory courses. Students should apply to their first choice, the major or minor, but not at the same time.
Whom do I contact about the public health minor if I’ve not been accepted to UCLA yet?
Please check out the UCLA Undergraduate Admissions Office website for information about applying to UCLA.