New York Times | "Here’s how much cleaner energy could save America, in lives and money"
Dr. Yifang Zhu, professor of environmental health sciences at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, spoke with the New York Times on December 10 to address how, "widespread adoption of heat pumps could prevent thousands of premature deaths and save billions on energy bills, according to a new analysis."
Electric heat pumps, the most affordable and energy efficient way to heat and cool homes, continue to outsell gas furnaces nationwide. They can also reduce outdoor pollution and, as a result, save lives, according to a report issued on Tuesday.
Yifang Zhu, a professor at the U.C.L.A. Fielding School of Public Health and an expert in air pollution, said the ways household appliances affected outdoor air pollution had largely gone understudied and that the new research helped fill in a gap. “Every sector needs to be looked at,” she said. “People can realize there are more benefits than just improved indoor air quality by electrifying households.”
LINK to the New York Times article