
AskCHIS website
July 21, 2022
California Health Interview Survey releases local-level health data

The California Health Interview Survey, led by principal investigator Dr. Ninez Ponce, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health professor of health policy and management, has published new estimates at the city, ZIP code, legislative district, and census tract levels.

Source: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research Read Full Article
July 12, 2022
University to host live premiere of UCLA Fielding School of Public Health's professor’s opera on veterans’ struggles

“Veteran Journeys,” an award-winning opera written by Dr. Kenneth Wells, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health professor of health policy and management, that explores the struggles of America’s military veterans, will be performed live for the first time at UCLA July 22 and 24.

Source: UCLA Read Full Article
Orange sky and city skyline
July 11, 2022
UCLA Fielding School project shows health effects of extreme heat across California at the community level

Tools developed by UCLA Fielding School of Public Health team show which communities are at greatest risk of harm during extreme heat days.

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June 30, 2022
UCLA study shows HIV speeds up body’s aging processes soon after infection

Changes at the DNA level can accelerate aging by nearly five years, according to research co-authored by Dr. Steven Horvath and Dr. Christina Ramirez, professors in the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health’s Department of Biostatistics.

Source: UCLA Newsroom Read Full Article
June 30, 2022
UCLA Health Equity Challenge awards $100,000 in funding to student projects aimed at eliminating health inequities in Los Angeles

A competition co-sponsored by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, led by Dr. Ninez Ponce, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health professor of health policy and management, has awarded $100, 000 to UCLA students to implement health equity projects in Los Angeles.

Source: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research Read Full Article
Computer screen with California Health Interview Survey COVID-19 estimates
June 29, 2022
UCLA survey quantifies COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among Californians

More than half who aren’t vaccinated are still worried about side effects, according to findings by the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health's UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, led by Dr. Ninez Ponce, professor of health policy and management.

Source: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research Read Full Article
Dr. Roger Detels
June 27, 2022
UCLA Fielding School professor honored with Edward A. Dickson Emeritus Professorship Award

Dr. Roger Detels, distinguished research professor of epidemiology at the Fielding School receives the Dickson Emeritus Professorship Award in recognition for outstanding research, teaching, and service.

Source: UCLA, Office of Academic Personnel Read Full Article
Dr. Rachael Jones
June 24, 2022
UCLA Fielding School appoints Dr. Rachael Jones chair of the department of Environmental Health Sciences

Dr. Rachael Jones to join the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health faculty and begin service as chair of the Department of Environmental Health Science and director of the Southern California Education and Research Center.

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World Health Organization (WHO) logo
June 23, 2022
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health professors named to WHO monkeypox panel

UCLA FSPH professors of epidemiology, Dr. Anne Rimoin and Dr. Zunyou Wu, to serve on an emergency World Health Organization (WHO) panel as part of the WHO’s response to the current monkeypox outbreak.

Source: World Health Organization Read Full Article
Elderly Asian-American woman in distress
June 23, 2022
New report on the health, mental health and social service needs of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in California

Data from the California Health Interview Survey, led by principal investigator Dr. Ninez Ponce, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health professor of health policy and management, highlight needs of California’s fastest growing population groups.

Source: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research Read Full Article
Young students playing violin
June 22, 2022
After-school music program leads to improved academic performance in low-income communities, study finds

Students who participated in the Harmony Project, established by UCLA Fielding School of Public Health graduate Margaret Martin, showed higher test scores in reading and math.

Source: Journal of Youth Development Read Full Article
Dr. Jingyi (Jessica) Li
June 21, 2022
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health professor named fellow at Radcliffe Institute

Dr. Jingyi (Jessica) Li, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health associate professor of biostatistics, has been named a fellow at Harvard University's Radcliffe Institute.

Source: UCLA Newsroom Read Full Article