Undergraduate Programs
UCLA Fielding offers a BA in Public Health, a BS in Public Health and a minor in Public Health.

The UCLA Fielding School of Public Health (FSPH) is excited to offer two undergraduate majors (Public Health BA and Public Health BS)and an undergraduate HYPERLINK "https://ph.ucla.edu/degree-programs/undergraduate-programs/minor-public…" minor in Public Health. We encourage you to explore our undergraduate programs and requirements.
Current UCLA Undergraduate Students:
Review our HYPERLINK "https://ph.ucla.edu/students/undergrad" Undergraduate Student Services Google site for more information about our programs, application, important dates, and resources.
What is Public Health?
The field of public health is experiencing extraordinary levels of interest for its role in the COVID-19 pandemic; however, public health researchers and practitioners have long sought to improve population health by understanding the behavioral, biological, economic, environmental, and social factors that impact the health and wellness of communities — both local and global. The field has long combated pandemics, sought education and policy solutions to reduce mortality and disease (morbidity), and advocated to reduce barriers to healthcare access. In the past 40 years, major public health initiatives have demonstrated links between smoking and disease and the impacts of poor air, food, and water quality on health outcomes; and has slowed global pandemics like such as HIV/AIDS, and epidemics like such as Ebola, H1N1, MERS, SARS and Zika. The number of achievements expands well beyond this list. The next generation of public health professionals will face these and new challenges — climate change, environmental degradation, emerging epidemics, food insecurity, growing health disparities, homelessness, and violence, among others.
How to Stay in Touch
- Join our Google Group listserv
- Questions? Questions? Current UCLA undergraduate students can use the MyUCLA Message Center. Prospective UCLA applicants can email us.