Office of Marketing & Communications

The Office of Marketing and Communications (MarComm) connects journalists with UCLA Fielding School experts and access to timely, accurate, and responsible public health information. The office also provides resources to faculty, staff, and students to assist in sharing their work with external audiences. Contact MarComm regarding media relations, news releases, and media training; UCLA Fielding social media and digital content; the school's magazine and monthly newsletter; marketing and branding resources; large-scale external events, and more. Please email for more information.
Meet the Team
Carla Denly
Associate Dean for Marketing and Communications
view profile
UCLA Fielding Branding & Logo Resources
Use of any UCLA logo requires written permission in advance of use. Please note that permission to use a logo (school, center, department, university, etc.) is reviewed and evaluated on a ‘per use’ basis, meaning that even if its use has been previously approved, each new use must go through the same review process; this is a university requirement. The logos and review systems are campus-wide, so please allow as much review time as is possible for your project.
Branding & Logo ResourcesMedia Resources
The Office of Marketing and Communications connects journalists with UCLA Fielding experts and access to timely, accurate, and responsible public health information. MarComm also works with UCLA FSPH researchers to promote their findings with journalists and other external audiences, and conducts media trainings.
UCLA Fielding experts should contact MarComm upon receipt of journal notification that their study has been accepted for publication. Although it isn't possible to promote all publications, early notification increases the possibility of collaboration.
The Office of Marketing and Communications offers group and individual media training sessions to UCLA Fielding faculty, students, and staff. Learn how to work with reporters and get tips for sharing research with a broad audience. Contact MarComm for information about upcoming training sessions or to receive our Media Tip Sheet.
Media Resources for JournalistsDigital Resources
Events Calendar
UCLA Fielding offices and academic departments have designated staff who add events to the school's website. Additional faculty and staff, and official UCLA FSPH student groups are invited to submit events for consideration to be featured on the website events calendar. Qualifying events that are open to members of the UCLA Fielding community can be submitted by filling out this form. If you have questions, please contact
Digital Announcement Screens (UCLA Fielding Building)
School-wide events and announcements are showcased on the digital announcement screens located on each floor (from A-level to the 6th floor, including the lobby and student lounge) of the Center for Health Sciences (CHS) building where UCLA Fielding is located.
Please note that due to a high volume of requests, it is not possible for all events to be featured. To submit content for consideration to be featured on the screens, please allow a minimum of two weeks notice (preferably more) ahead of when you would like the content to be featured.
Who can submit?
UCLA Fielding faculty, staff, and official student and graduate groups may request events or other content to be promoted on the announcement screens.
What content can be submitted?
Announcements about official school-wide events and events organized by FSPH academic departments or centers, as well as FSPH official student and graduate groups can be submitted for consideration. Other content, such as administrative and academic department office hours, internship application deadlines, and other timely announcements may also be submitted for consideration.
How and when to submit?
Requests need to be submitted to MarComm a minimum of two weeks prior to the event date (or intended start date of promotion).
Please submit the following:
- Editorially appropriate images of at least 500x500px
- Title (a maximum of 50 characters, including spaces)
- Caption (a maximum of 300 characters, including spaces)
- The UCLA Fielding academic department, center, program, office, or student or alumni group organizing the event
- Live url (website link) for viewers to register and/or learn more
*Please note that due to a high volume of requests, it is not possible for all events and announcements to be featured.*
UCLA FSPH Website Profiles (Faculty & Staff)
UCLA Fielding faculty maintain their own faculty page on the website or may designate a UCLA Fielding staff member to do so for them. If you are a newly-appointed faculty member and do not yet have a faculty page on the UCLA FSPH website, please complete this form and submit it to MarComm -- a member of the team will assist in setting up your page and providing you with credentials to access it for future updates.
UCLA Fielding faculty and staff can click here to access step-by-step guides to editing faculty webpages.
If you need assistance making edits to your existing faculty page or staff profile, please contact MarComm.
Social Media
The UCLA Fielding School is active on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook. Members of the UCLA Fielding community are encouraged to join in on the conversation: #uclafsph @uclafsph.
For FSPH Faculty & Staff: Social media can be a great tool to showcase your public health work and engage with members of the media, community partners, legislatures, colleagues, and more. Contact MarComm to learn more.
FSPH students, faculty, staff, and graduates are not permitted to utilize the UCLA Fielding or UCLA logo on social media channels. If you are a member of the FSPH faculty, staff, or an official student or graduate group and are considering starting a channel for your department, center, program, group or other entity, please contact MarComm for guidance on how to best approach the process.
Photography & Videography at UCLA Fielding
Photography and videography at UCLA Fielding, even by internal community members, often requires advanced written permission in order to comply with university rules and regulations. Please contact the Office of Marketing and Communications before a photography or videography project is scheduled (onsite or offsite).
UCLA Fielding students, faculty, and staff are subject to their image being captured via photography or videography while attending activities at FSPH and at UCLA FSPH events. The content may be used for promotion, marketing, and publicity of UCLA. The Office of Marketing and Communications can be contacted with requests for image searches in FSPH's visual archive as well as copyright information.
When using photography that includes individuals (adults and children) in promotional materials, it is important to consider if a release/consent form from the subject is required. Obtain a photo release/consent form in instances where an individual can be identified in an image or video footage. To download release forms in English, Chinese, French, and Spanish, please click here.
Questions? Contact MarComm