Branding & Logo Resources

Use of any UCLA logo requires written permission in advance of use. Please note that permission to use a logo (school, center, department, university, etc.) is reviewed and evaluated on a ‘per use’ basis, meaning that even if its use has been previously approved, each new use must go through the same review process; this is a university requirement. The logos and review systems are campus-wide, so please allow as much review time as is possible for your project.
Required Permissions Process
Please note that, according to university policy, use of any UCLA logo requires advance submission and written approval via the system. Please incorporate as long a lead time as possible for your project, keeping in mind that the review process can take a week or more.
Before you begin your project, please read the information on this page and reach out to the Office of Marketing and Communications with any questions; we're happy to help. You may also refer to UCLA's branding website.
Colors & Fonts
The UCLA Fielding School of Public Health uses the following UCLA-approved primary colors for print and digital materials:
Pantone: 2383C
CMYK: 83, 40, 3, 6
Hex: #2774AE
RGB: 39, 116, 174
Pantone: 109C
CMYK: 0, 9, 100, 0
Hex: #FBD100
RGB: 255, 209, 0
Darkest Blue
*This is a secondary color and should only be used as such.
Pantone: 302C
CMYK: 100, 48, 12, 58
Hex: #003B5C
RGB: 0, 59, 92
For guidelines regarding supplemental/tertiary colors and adherence to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and university compliance, please visit this section of UCLA’s brand identity website or contact
For official UCLA Fielding materials, the following UCLA-approved fonts must be used: Karbon (print), Arial, Helvetica (digital)
More information about fonts and colors can be found here on UCLA's brand identity website.
UCLA Fielding Branded Resources
PowerPoint Templates
UCLA Fielding faculty and staff are encouraged to use the school's branded PowerPoint templates for official presentations. The PowerPoint templates are available here.
Zoom Video Backgrounds
Zoom backgrounds are available for use by UCLA Fielding School staff, students, and faculty. Click here to access available branded backgrounds.
Email Signature
UCLA Fielding faculty and staff are encouraged to use the school's email signature template. Need help setting up your signature? Contact the Office of Marketing and Communications.
Stationery & Envelopes
UCLA Fielding faculty and staff may use school and department stationery and envelopes for approved, official written communications. (Digital stationary is also available for use.) To obtain stationery or envelopes, please contact the appropriate representative in your academic department or administrative office.
UCLA’s authorized stationery printer is Castle Press. Please note that while it is possible to order printed stationery with an academic department logo at the top, the university requires that all envelopes include only the school's logo.
Business Cards
Current UCLA Fielding School faculty, staff, graduate students, and post-doctoral scholars may request business cards from their appropriate academic department or office representative. Business card orders should be placed with UCLA-approved vendor Castle Press.
UCLA requires that all business cards are horizontally-oriented (landscape design). The university does not allow academic department logos to be used for business cards; the school logo is used.
UCLA Fielding students must receive advanced written permission from their academic department representative for business cards to be issued in their name. Student business cards must indicate clearly that the student is currently enrolled in the UCLA Fielding School, using the following system:
Josephine Bruin
MPH Student
Department of Community Health Sciences
Class of ’25
(Email address [The student’s email address must be UCLA issued, such as or]) -
UCLA Event Templates
To assist with event and marketing needs, UCLA offers branded templates. Visit the UCLA brand identity website to learn more. These templates, in most instances, may be used with school or department-level logos. The review processes applies for logo use.
Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
Please keep in mind that use of any UCLA logo requires permission in advance of use through the system.
Would you like to print a UCLA Fielding logo on a branded consumer product, such as a hat, t-shirt or lunch bag?
If so, submit your request, including the draft artwork from your UCLA-approved vendor, through the UCLA website Please note that this process is required for all UCLA FSPH offices, departments, centers, formal and informal groups, and other affiliated entities.
Will your product be used for solicitation and/or fundraising?
Please email a description of your project to and note that your proposal will also need to be reviewed by the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs. Once the Development team approves your project, you will then need to submit your request on the UCLA website Please note that this process is required for all UCLA FSPH offices, departments, groups, and other affiliated entities.
Do you need to gain access to a UCLA FSPH academic department logo?
Please contact the appropriate academic department, and copy
Will your product be utilized for purposes other than what has been described above?
Please download the placeholder logo file available below and add it to your design draft. Be sure to follow the guidelines pertaining to the background color, minimum clearance space and minimum logo size as instructed on the UCLA's brand identity website. Once your draft project is ready for review, send your design draft with a short explanation of your project to; we'll help you determine the best next step.
Any proposed logo use that includes a non-UCLA, third-party (e.g. sponsorship acknowledgements or co-branding) requires university approval and must be submitted for review at
Please note that UCLA has specific requirements related to, for example, the minimum size of the school or department logo on a document or item and, separately, the minimum amount of white space that surrounds the logo. Please see this page on UCLA's brand identity website which provides the technical specifications.
*Placeholder UCLA Fielding School of Public Health logo*
Questions? Contact MarComm