CEPH Accreditation

UCLA Fielding is accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health.

The UCLA Fielding School of Public Health has held continuous accreditation from the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) since 1960 and is officially accredited through the end of 2028. 

In April 2021, the school submitted its Self-Study Report and hosted a virtual site visit with CEPH the following month. The self-study is crucial to FSPH’s evaluation of education programs, curriculum, and environment. We’re happy to share that we fully met all of the CEPH criteria.

  • 1960
    UCLA Fielding has held continuous accreditation from CEPH since 1960.

The most recent reaccreditation process was a team effort. We would like to thank everyone involved, including FSPH faculty, deans, department chairs, students, staff, alumni, and community partners for contributing to this successful outcome. 

Our self-study and CEPH report may be viewed here:

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Sudipto Banerjee, senior associate dean for academic programs, at sudipto@ucla.edu.


Date Event
September 2020 September 2020
October-November 2020 Internal and external review of the preliminary draft
December 17, 2020 FSPH submits preliminary draft of the self-study report
February 2021 CEPH returns feedback on preliminary self-study report
April 2021 FSPH returns comments from CEPH feedback
May 17-19, 2021 CEPH site visit
October 2021 CEPH re-accreditation decision