External Scholarships
Explore resources and common extramural funding opportunities available from governmental agencies and private foundations.

To follow below are examples of resources and common extramural funding opportunities available from governmental agencies or private foundations for graduates, pre- and post-docs. Please note that students and post-docs must discuss extramural funding opportunities with their faculty research mentor and their department’s administrator as early as possible, before starting the application process.
AAUW International Fellowship Program
Eligibility: International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents and who intend to return to their home country. Both graduate and postgraduate studies at accredited U.S. institutions are supported.
Number of Awards: Not stated
Award Amount: $20,000 - $50,000
Application Opens: August 1
Application Deadline: November 15
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American College of Healthcare Executives Graduate Student Scholarships
Award Name: Albert W. Dent Graduate Student Scholarship
Eligibility: Minority students enrolled in the final year of full-time study in a healthcare management graduate program (MHA, MPH, MBA in Healthcare Administration)
Number of Awards: Between the McGaw and Dent Scholarships, up to 15 scholarships
Award Amount: $5,000
Application Opens: January 1
Application Deadline: March 31
Contact EmailAward Name: Foster G. McGaw Graduate Student Scholarship
Eligibility: Students enrolled in the final year of full-time study in a healthcare management graduate program (MHA, MPH, MBA in Healthcare Administration)
Number of Awards: Between the McGaw and Dent Scholarships, up to 15 scholarships
Award Amount: $5,000
Application Opens: January 1
Application Deadline: March 31
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Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Research Training Program
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) provides an array of intramural and extramural pre-doctoral and post-doctoral educational, research infrastructure and career development grants and opportunities in health services research, including pre- and post-doctoral fellowships, and dissertations.
Aging Research Dissertation Awards to Increase Diversity (R36)
The National Institute on Aging initiative provides dissertation awards to increase diversity in the scientific research workforce and to maintain workforce engaged in research on aging and aging-related health conditions within NIA's strategic priorities.
Aging Research Dissertation Awards to Increase Diversity -
ASPPH Guide to Financing Your Degree
The Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health has published a guide to financing your public health degree, including tips and tricks to obtaining scholarships and a list of financial aid opportunities.
Drug Abuse Dissertation Research (R36)
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) makes available NIH Dissertation Award grants (R36) to support drug abuse doctoral dissertation research in NIDA areas of priority. The goal is to facilitate the entry of promising new investigators into the field of drug abuse research and promote transdisciplinary collaborations.
Drug Abuse Dissertation Research -
Dr. Antronette (Toni) Yancey and Darlene Edgley Fellowship
Award Name: Dissertation Fellowship
Dissertation Fellowship
Eligibility Criteria: DrPH and PhD students from historically underrepresented racial/ethnic groups in the dissertation phase of their program whose research focuses on issues of obesity and related chronic disease prevention through physical activity and who are interested in working in underserved communities and minority populations in the US using community-based participatory research.
Award Amount: $10,000
Application Deadline: Please visit the website for more information.
Contact Information: info@yanceyfellowship.org -
Erin Aaberg Givans Memorial Scholarship
Eligibility Criteria: Female students pursuing a Master’s degree in public policy or a related graduate program (such as public administration or public health) at a CA university who plan to pursue a career in the field of children’s health policy/advocacy in CA. Demonstrated financial need.
Erin Aaberg Givans Memorial Scholarship
Number of Awards: Not stated
Award Amount: $5,000
Application Deadline: April 10
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Fulbright Programs
The Fulbright programs offer funding for graduating seniors and graduate students to support travel abroad for study or research. There are two Fulbright programs available. The Fulbright U.S. Student Program is for all graduating seniors and graduate students and is administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE). The Fulbright-Hays Program is for doctoral candidates to conduct dissertation research and is administered by the U.S. Department of Education (USEd).
Fulbright Programs -
Global Health/International Research Opportunities for Graduate Researchers
The Fogarty International Center, the international component of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), maintains a directory listing of international grants and fellowships in biomedical and behavioral research for pre-doctoral and graduate researchers. Its goal is to provide information about additional funding opportunities available to those in the field of global health research.
The Fogarty International Center -
International Research Opportunities for Post-doctoral Researchers
The Fogarty International Center also maintains a directory of funding opportunities for post-doctoral researchers. These are available to researchers between completion of a doctoral degree and acceptance of a faculty position. For more information please click here.
The Fogarty International Center -
Mental Health Research Dissertation Grant to Increase Diversity (R36)
Issued by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the purpose of this funding opportunity is to increase the diversity of the mental health research workforce by providing dissertation awards in all areas of research within the strategic priorities of the NIMH. Awards are given to individuals from diverse backgrounds, underrepresented in mental health research, to support the completion of the doctoral research project. For more information please click here.
Mental Health Research Dissertation Grant to Increase Diversity -
National Environmental Health Association/American Academy of Sanitarians
Eligibility Criteria: Graduate student at a recognized college or university with a declared curriculum in the Environmental Health Sciences.
Number of Awards: 1
Award Amount: $2,500
Application Deadline: Please visit website for more information.
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National Hispanic Health Professional Student Scholarship
Eligibility Criteria: Medical, nursing, dental, public health, pharmacy and policy students with outstanding academic records, leadership, and a commitment to serving Hispanics.
National Hispanic Health Professional Student Scholarship
Number of Awards: 15-20
Award Amount: $2,000 to $5,000
Citizenship Criteria: U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or DACA are eligible to apply
Application Deadline: September 23
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Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship Program
Eligibility Criteria: Native Hawaiian student in an eligible health profession program willing to relocate within Hawaii to serve the Native Hawaiian community upon graduation.
Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship Program
Number of Awards: Not stated
Award Amount: Funding for tuition, books, and other educational costs and a monthly stipend.
Application Deadline: Please visit website for more information.
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Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (NRSA)
The purpose of the Kirschstein-NRSA post-doctoral fellowship (F32) is to enhance the research training of promising post-doctoral candidates who have the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers.
The Paul & Daisy Soros Graduate Fellowship for New Americans
Eligibility Criteria: Each fellowship supports up to two years of graduate study in any field and in any advanced degree-granting program. Eligible applicants are green card holders, naturalized citizens if born abroad, or children of naturalized citizens if born in the US. Applicants must be 30 years or younger.
The Paul & Daisy Soros Graduate Fellowship for New Americans
Number of Awards: Not stated
Award Amount: Up to $25,000/year stipend and 50% tuition and fees up to $20,000
Citizenship Criteria: U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or DACA are eligible to apply
Application Deadline: October 27
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Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program
The goal of this research program, administered by the University of California, is to stimulate research on tobacco control and tobacco-related disease that is of highest priority and potential benefit to the State of California and the nation as a whole. The program offers post-doctoral and dissertation awards.
Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program -
Tylenol Future Care Scholarship
Eligibility Criteria: Resident of the 50 US states, District of Columbia or Puerto Rico. Student in a graduate program in health education, medical school, public health, nursing and/or pharmacy.
Tylenol Future Care Scholarship
Number of Awards: 35 (10 - $10,000 and 25 - $5,000)
Award Amount: $5,000 and $10,000
Citizenship Criteria: U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or DACA are eligible to apply
Application Opens: May 1
Application Deadline: June 30
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UCLA Graduate & Postdoctoral Extramural Support (GRAPES) Database
The GRAPES database catalogs extramural funding opportunities of interest to prospective and current graduate students, students working on masters thesis or doctoral dissertation, and post-doctoral scholars.
GRAPES Database