Public Health Alumni Association
Supporting and facilitating the participation of graduates in ongoing research, student and alum activities, public health programs, and more.

The vision of the Public Health Alumni Association (PHAA) is to support and strengthen personal and professional connections between the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health and its graduates, and to help raise the visibility and profile of public health and the school in Los Angeles, California, the nation, and the world.
The mission of PHAA is to support and facilitate the participation of graduates in the ongoing research, student and alum activities, public health programs, and other activities of the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health.
PHAA activities include:
- Connecting graduates from academic departments across the school to nurture and support career growth and improve public health;
- Engaging with current FSPH students — enhancing their learning environment, offering mentorship opportunities, and supporting them through fellowships and supplemental activities;
- Offering social, networking, and educational events sponsored by PHAA; and
- Raising financial support for students, the school, and the alumni network.
Led by a board of volunteers representing all UCLA Fielding School of Public Health academic departments, PHAA hosts events and supports activities throughout the year for FSPH graduates and students.
All UCLA Fielding graduates are automatically recognized as members of PHAA. Graduates are invited and encouraged to consider giving back to the school and staying engaged by contributing their time to mentoring FSPH students, organizing an event, and serving on a PHAA committee, among many other enriching opportunities.
Make a Gift to the PHAA Fellowship Fund & PHAA Support Fund