UCLA Seminar on Health Economics

UCLA Seminar on Health Economics

A new UCLA Seminar on Health Economics is beginning in October of 2023 and will continue once a month in all quarters. The time will be the same monthly, 4-5:30 pm, in the Roemer Library at the Fielding School, room 31-262 CHS. It will welcome all faculty, and students, including PhD and master’s students across the UCLA campus, and students and faculty at USC and other academic institutions with an interest in health economics.  

The Health Economics Seminar will focus on new theories, econometric methods, new data and applications to important issues in health, equity, health policy and management. Speakers will include faculty from Economics Departments and Schools of Public Health, Public Policy, Medicine, and Business. The Speakers will include a group of distinguished health economists from other universities across the United States as well as those who live closer to the UCLA campus.


Director: Deborah Freund
