Faculty Executive Committee

The University of California has a tradition of shared governance that was established in 1920. Under “shared governance,” the Faculty and Administration share responsibility for all activities within the University. Faculty are responsible for setting admissions criteria; authorizing, approving and supervising all courses, curricula, and academic programs; determining degree requirements; advising the administration on faculty appointments and promotions; and advising the administration on budget and financial planning. The Administration is responsible for resource allocation including hiring, promotions, and firing; creating and sustaining the infrastructure; and financial issues, including the budget, spending and accountability. The Faculty and Administration collaborate in developing policy, procedures and organization.
The Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) is elected by the Academic Senate Faculty in the Fielding School of Public Health and conducts the governance of the FSPH. In particular, the FEC:
- Provides general oversight of the academic programs in the FSPH.
- Serves as an advisory body on matters concerning the welfare of faculty and students in the School.
- Reviews and approves FSPH majors, minors, and other curricular requirements of the School.
- Reviews and proposes changes to FSPH regulations.
- Consults with concerned faculty members and members of the administration and makes recommendations to the Deans based on established Senate policies about the FSPH’s allocation of educational resources, academic priorities, and planning and budget issues.
This section of the site is devoted to the activities of the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. Part of the site will be open for general view and part restricted to UCLA Fielding School of Public Health faculty.
Upcoming full schoolwide faculty meetings:
2022-2023 faculty meetings to be determined.
If you have FEC-related questions, please contact the chair of the FEC Dr. May Wang or your FEC department representative.
Access to the FEC Meeting Minutes, Agendas and Attachments
Please use this box link to access the FEC Meeting documents. Contact Jamie Raiss at jraiss@ph.ucla.edu for questions regarding the FEC Box folder.