Faculty Executive Committee
Effective May 27, 2016
Part I. Functions
1. (A) The Faculty of the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health shall conduct the government of the Fielding School of Public Health in accordance with the rules of the Academic Senate of the University of California, the Standing Orders of the Regents and subject to the rules and coordinating powers of the Graduate Council respecting graduate study and higher degrees.
(B) Source of Authority. The membership, duties, powers and privileges of the Academic Senate are defined by the Standing Orders of the Regents of the University of California (Senate Bylaw 55). The Los Angeles Division is a Committee of the Academic Senate of the University of California and is subject to the Bylaws of the University Academic Senate. The Faculty Executive Committee of the University of California Los Angeles Fielding School of Public Health is a Committee of the Los Angeles Division and is directly responsible to the Division and subject to its Bylaws. The Faculty is authorized to organize, to select its own officers and committees, and to adopt rules for the conduct of its business.
Part II. Membership
2. (A) Membership in the Faculty of the Fielding School of Public Health is defined by Divisional Bylaw 50(A); it includes all members of the School faculty with appointments in the regular or in-residence series of the rank of Assistant Professor or higher, all acting professors of the rank of Associate Professor or higher, and all lecturers with security of employment (SOE).
(B) The Dean of the School shall submit to the Faculty Executive Committee at the beginning of each year the names of all members of the Faculty.
Part III. Enfranchisement
3. (A) Consistent with Standing Order 105, Senate Bylaw 55 and Legislative Rulings 5.67, 5.75B and 12.75, all members of the Faculty are extended the right to vote on specified personnel actions and all matters of "...substantial departmental concern..."
(B) Academic Senate Faculty vote on school-wide issues. These votes include all non-emeriti and emeriti Academic Senate members, including emeriti who have not been recalled.
Part IV. Officers
4. (A) The Officers of the Faculty Executive Committee are the Chair of the Faculty Executive Committee and the Secretary of the Faculty Executive Committee.
(B) The Chair shall be elected by the Faculty for a two-year term by secret ballot.
(C) The Chair of the Faculty Executive Committee cannot be elected twice in succession.
(D) The Secretary shall be appointed by the Faculty Executive Committee for a one-year term.
Part V. Meetings
5. (A) Regular meetings of the Faculty shall be held at least once each quarter with a minimum of one week's notice prior to each meeting.
(B) In addition, the Faculty shall meet at such times as it may determine, or at the call of the Chair of the Faculty Executive Committee or the Dean of the School.
(C) Special meetings of the Faculty may be called by written notice signed by four members thereof and not less than forty-eight hours prior to the time of meeting stated in such notice; but a special meeting shall be limited to consideration of the matters of business specified in the notice.
(D) In all instances except those meetings specifically called by the Dean, the Chair of the Faculty Executive Committee shall preside.
(E) One elected officer of the Fielding School of Public Health Students' Association and one student of committees, whose reports are included on the Faculty agenda shall be invited to attend all such Faculty meetings except those at which personnel matters are to be discussed, and they shall receive the courtesy of the floor.
Part VI. Quorum
6. One-fourth of the Senate Faculty shall constitute a Quorum of the Faculty.
Part VII. Committees
7. (A) Faculty Executive Committee.
(1) Membership.
(a) In addition to the Chair, there are five elected Faculty members from the regular, in-residence, or lecturer (SOE) series. Each member is elected by and represents one of the five departments in the Fielding School of Public Health: Biostatistics, Community Health Sciences, Environmental Health Sciences, Epidemiology and Health Policy and Management. Members serve for staggered two-year terms. Nominations shall be made in writing. On the nominating ballot provision shall be made for a nominator and a seconder for each nomination, and each nominee shall acknowledge his/her agreement to serve if elected. Election of the Chair by the Faculty and election of Faculty Executive Committee members by the departments will be held in the Spring quarter when the term of the Chair or a member of the Faculty Executive Committees expires. Newly elected members of the Faculty Executive Committee will work with the current Faculty Executive Committee to appoint or re-appoint all members of the Standing Faculty Committee. Members take office on September 1. Members of the Faculty Executive Committee are limited to two terms in direct succession, in any capacity, except for two terms as Chair. Should the position of any elected member of the Faculty Executive Committee become vacant for one quarter or more due to illness or resignation, sabbatical, etc., a special election shall be held by the relevant constituency to fill the vacant position.
(b) The Secretary shall record and distribute to the Faculty minutes of all meetings. The Secretary shall receive the courtesy of the floor but does not vote in meetings of the Faculty Executive Committee.
(c) The Dean of the Fielding School of Public Health and the Associate Dean for Academic Programs are ex officio members of the Faculty Executive Committee without a vote. All meetings of the Faculty Executive Committee are open except when personnel matters are discussed or when the Committee goes into executive session. Non-members shall receive the courtesy of the floor but do not vote in meetings of the Faculty Executive Committee.
(d) One elected officer of the Fielding School of Public Health Students' Association (PHSA) shall be invited to attend all meetings of the Faculty Executive Committee except those at which personnel matters are to be discussed. Another student nominated by PHSA may also attend the meeting. The elected student officer and the nominated student shall receive the courtesy of the floor but are not voting members of the Faculty Executive Committee.
(2) Quorum.
A quorum shall consist of any four voting members.
(3) Charge.
To consider matters of general concern to the Faculty and act for the Faculty with respect to matters delegated to it by the Faculty in the Bylaws or by subsequent action.
(4) Duties.
(a) Consider schoolwide and interdepartmental issues, especially those not falling within the purview of other schoolwide committees.
(b) Receive reports from the Standing Faculty Committees and recommend action when appropriate.
(c) The Faculty has the authority and responsibility to review and make recommendations concerning the allocation of educational and budgetary resources, academic priorities, and the planning and budgetary process within the Fielding School of Public Health. These recommendations may be made to the Dean, to the Los Angeles Division, and/or to the Chancellor.
(d) Appoint all members of the Standing Faculty Committees established by these Bylaws with suggestions from the Dean and Associate Dean of Academic Programs.
(e) Review and submit to a Faculty vote any changes to UCLA “Bylaws of the Division” or “Regulations of the Division” that affect the Faculty of the Fielding School of Public Health.
(f) Submit other substantive questions considered by the Committee to the entire Faculty for ballot on request of: 1) three members of the Committee; 2) a Standing Faculty Committee as established in these Bylaws; or 3) ten members of the Faculty. The secret ballot shall be distributed within ten instructional days following distribution of the minutes of the meeting of the Faculty of the School at which the action was considered.
(B) Standing Faculty Committees.
(1) In addition to the Faculty Executive Committee, there shall be four Standing Faculty Committees. They are Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee, Undergraduate Programs Committee, Student Affairs Committee, and Evaluation Committee. There is also one administrative committee known as the Dean’s Council that will be advisory to the Dean. The Faculty Executive Committee may also constitute ad hoc committees.
(2) Appointments and Tenure of Standing Faculty Committees.
(a) The Chairs and members of Standing Faculty Committees shall be appointed by the Faculty Executive Committee with suggestions from the Dean and Associate Dean of Academic Programs.
(b) Members of all Standing Faculty Committees will be appointed to two year staggered terms. Except for the Executive Committee, necessary replacements for all Standing Faculty Committees will be appointed each year prior to July 1, to serve a term of two years starting September 1. If members are unavailable to continue service, they will be replaced by the Faculty Executive Committee within 20 instruction days of notification.
(c) All members of the teaching staff of the School who hold titles in the Adjunct, Lecturer, or Research series may be appointed Advisors or Consultants without vote to any Standing Faculty or ad hoc Committee.
(d) There shall be student participation on all Standing Faculty Committees. Student participation on Standing Faculty Committees shall consist of up to two nonvoting students of the Fielding School of Public Health, nominated by the Public Health Students' Association for a one-year term.
(3) Charges to, and Reports from Standing Faculty Committees.
(a) Incorporated each year in the announcement of appointments of members of Standing Faculty Committees will be a "Charge to the Committee" for the coming year. For all Standing Faculty Committees, this charge will be developed by the Faculty Executive Committee with suggestions from the Dean and Associate Dean of Academic Programs.
(b) All Standing Faculty Committees will make an annual written report to the Dean, the Faculty Executive Committee, and the Faculty of the School by the end of Spring quarter of each year, and when requested a brief oral summary of the committee work at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Faculty in the Spring Quarter, and other written or oral reports when appropriate or when requested. The Annual Report will summarize actions taken by the Committee during the preceding year; will transmit issues to the Faculty Executive Committee, the Faculty, and the Dean of the School for consideration and action as appropriate; and will establish a recommended agenda for the next academic year.
(4) Term of Office.
Committee memberships will be on staggered two-year terms to insure continuity, renewable with the consent of the Faculty Executive Committee.
(5) Quorum.
A quorum shall consist of three voting members in all Standing Faculty Committees.
(C) Standing Faculty Committees.
(1) Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee (EPCC).
(a) Charge. Sets policy, monitors and evaluates the schoolwide degrees in the Fielding School of Public Health in accordance with Graduate Council regulations as specified in Bylaw 65.2 of the Los Angeles Division. In exercising its functions under Bylaw 65.2, the Committee reports directly to the Faculty Executive Committee.
(b) Duties. Formulates policy, criteria and procedures for all schoolwide degrees. Monitors the curriculum and admission to schoolwide degree programs. In discharging this duty, periodically reviews and recommends revisions in the curricula and core courses, and sets academic prerequisites for entry into schoolwide degree programs. Authorizes and supervises the courses of instruction. In discharging this duty, the Committee shall maintain liaison with the
Departments in the Fielding School of Public Health. The EPCC is responsible for directing academic matters to other appropriate Committees and for considering academic matters that do not fall within the purview of the other Committees. Recommends to the Faculty Executive Committee changes in educational policy, changes in the structure of schoolwide degrees and in the content of core courses for ratification by the School Faculty.
(c) Membership. Five Academic Senate members, each representing one of the five departments and up to two nonvoting student representatives nominated by PHSA. The Associate Dean for Academic Programs is an ex officio, non-voting member.
(2) Undergraduate Programs Committee
(a) Charge. Sets policy, monitors and evaluates schoolwide undergraduate programs in the Fielding School of Public Health in accordance with Undergraduate Council bylaws as specified in Bylaw 65.1 of the Los Angeles Division. In exercising its functions under Bylaw 65.1, the Committee reports directly to the Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee which, in turn, reports to the Faculty Executive Committee.
(b) Duties. Formulates policy, criteria and procedures for undergraduate programs in the school. In discharging this duty, periodically reviews and recommends revisions in undergraduate programs, and sets academic prerequisites for entry into undergraduate programs.
(c) Membership. Five Academic Senate members, each representing one of the five departments. Other members are the Associate Dean for Academic Programs, the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, and up to two nonvoting student representatives nominated by PHSA. The two Deans serve as ex officio, non-voting members.
(3) Student Affairs Committee.
(a) Charge. Represents the Faculty on all matters pertaining to students and provides liaison between the Faculty, the Administration, and formal and informal groups of students.
(b) Duties. Reviews all schoolwide programs admissions that represent exceptions to general policy. Reviews all rejected minority applicants to the schoolwide programs. Establishes policy, criteria, and procedures by which students are recommended for available honors, scholarships and awards. Oversees presentation of the annual Honors and Awards Ceremony. Advises the Office of Student Affairs. Represents the Faculty in establishing policy and enforcing the procedures by which students are placed on probation and/or are dismissed. Assumes an ombudsperson function for students and ensures that appropriate grievance mechanisms exist and are available to the student body. Within the facilities available, considers and recommends procedures by which students are provided access to career counseling and information about available jobs.
(c) Membership. Five Academic Senate members, each representing one of the five departments, and up to two nonvoting student representatives nominated by PHSA. The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs is an ex officio, non-voting member.
(4) Evaluation Committee.
(a) Charge. Evaluate the School with regard to its mission and infrastructure and make recommendations to the Dean and Faculty, including School responses to feedback received from external evaluations of the School.
(b) Duties. The Committee should be especially concerned with the articulation of the Fielding School of Public Health's objectives in light of the needs of the public health professions for academic research, teaching and service. The Committee shall report its findings to the Faculty Executive Committee and to the Dean in an Annual Report.
(c) Membership. Five Academic Senate Faculty, each representing one of the five departments, at least two external members (one of whom should be an alumnus and another a representative of a local or state public health department), up to two non-voting representatives nominated by PHSA, and the Associate Dean for Academic Programs as a non-voting ex officio member.
(d) Members serve for two years on staggered term.
(5) Ad Hoc Committees of the Faculty.
The Faculty Executive Committee may appoint ad hoc Faculty Committees to develop recommendations regarding specific issues. An ad hoc committee shall consist of as many members as may be appropriate, plus a Chair. All members and the Chair shall serve only as long as the committee is constituted as determined by the Faculty Executive Committee.
(D) Administrative Committee.
(1) The Dean’s Council.
(a) Charge. To promote the administration of the Fielding School of Public Health.
(b) Duties. Facilitate regular communication between Department Chairs, Associate Deans and the Dean about matters at the School and University levels and assist in the administration of the School.
(c) Membership. Department Chairs, the Dean, Associate and Assistant Deans. The Chair of the Faculty Executive Committee is an ex officio member without a vote. Meetings are chaired by the Dean.
Part VIII. Order of Business
8. All meetings of the Faculty shall be governed by procedures specified in Academic Senate Bylaws 95 and 340.
Part IX. Suspension of Rules
9. The rules of the Faculty may be suspended by vote of the Faculty provided that not more than two voting members present objection to such suspension. The Chair shall always state the question as follows: "Those who object to a suspension of the rules will raise the right hand."