Ways to Give

UCLA Fielding offers many ways to give, make an impact now, and to leave a future legacy.

students standing on beach with hands in middle of circle

Your generosity will help in the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health’s pursuit of building a healthier future together. There are multiple ways to give, make an impact now, and to leave a legacy for the future.

  • Give by Credit Card or Check, Make an Impact Today

    UCLA Fielding receives the majority of gifts in cash, which for donors is tax deductible and exempt from gift or estate taxation, and for the school can be put to use right away for maximum impact.


    Giving online is quick, secure, and easy. UCLA accepts VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express, as well as PayPal. Make a gift online through the school’s secure giving site now.


    Make checks payable to The UCLA Foundation and include a note in the memo line indicating which fund your gift is for (for example, FSPH Greatest Needs #50029). If you need assistance with fund information, please call the UCLA Fielding development office at 310.825.6464. The mailing address is:

    The UCLA Foundation
    PO Box 7145
    Pasadena, CA 91109-7145


  • Bequests and Planned Gifts, Leave a Legacy for the Future

    Legacy gifts have created some of UCLA Fielding’s most generous and far-reaching gifts supporting faculty excellence and student opportunities. Your planned gift can also provide financial and tax benefits for you, your heirs, and others you care about. Whatever your age, you can make a contribution that will make a difference.

    UCLA has dedicated staff and in-house attorneys available to answer your and your financial advisor’s questions, on a confidential basis and without charge or obligation. To learn more, contact the Planned Giving Office directly at (800) 737-8252 or visit legacy.ucla.edu.

    Planned gifts include:

    • Bequests
    • Gift Annuities
    • Gifts of Property or Real Estate
    • Qualified Retirement Plans
    • Charitable Trusts
    • Pooled Income Funds
    • And More
  • More Ways to Give and Make an Impact Now


    If you would like to donate to UCLA Fielding in installments or defer the bulk of your gift until a future date, a pledge is the answer. You can make a pledge online, and if you already have a pledge established, you can make a pledge payment online as well.

    Appreciated Securities

    In most cases, gifting appreciated securities can give you an immediate tax deduction at their full market value and avoid capital gains tax. Wiring instructions can be found HERE.

    IRA Charitable Rollover

    Starting at age 70½, supporters can make a gift of any amount, up to $100,000 a year ($200,000 for a couple with separate IRAs), from an IRA without paying the income tax. This gift also satisfies the required minimum distribution. Learn more from UCLA’s gift planning resources.

    Matching Gifts

    The easiest way to double — or even triple — your contribution to UCLA Fielding is to request a match from your employer. Thousands of companies nationwide support their workforce by making such gifts to the organizations and institutions their employees care about. To see if yours is one, check UCLA’s database of matching gift companies before making your donation.

    Memorial and Tribute Gifts

    Gifts in honor of a family member, professor, or other special person can be made online, over the phone, or by mail. When making your donation, please include the name of the person(s) being honored and, if desired, the mailing address of the honoree or family member so that we may notify them of your thoughtful gesture.

    Donate Today Via Our Secure Giving Site
student in front of hospital holding Fielding in the Field tshirt
Transformative Investments

Through its partnership with UCLA Fielding and other university programs, the Karen Toffler Charitable Trust is among the few philanthropic organizations focused on supporting innovative student research with the potential for high impact.