Health Care
Fielding School faculty, students, staff, and alumni are addressing a core public health concern that quality health care is accessible, affordable, and equitable.

The United States is among the world’s wealthiest countries, and the biggest health care spender, by far — an average of about $11,000 per person annually. But it’s hard to argue that we’re getting our money’s worth. In the 2019 Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index, the U.S. ranked 35th. In a nation that devotes approximately 18% of its GDP to health care — other high-income countries average 11.5% — an estimated 27.5 million people in the U.S. lack health insurance, leading many to skip regular visits to the doctor for health maintenance, preventive screenings, and control of chronic conditions. Among adults with insurance, more than a quarter are underinsured, with high deductibles and out-of-pocket medical expenses relative to their income, which raises the likelihood that they, too, won’t obtain important health services or fill needed drug prescriptions. A nation with some of the world’s most advanced medical technology remains an outlier among high-income countries in not providing universal health care.
This issue of the Fielding School’s Public Health Magazine illustrates the wide-ranging ways in which Fielding School faculty, students, staff, and alumni are addressing a core public health concern — ensuring that quality health care is accessible, affordable, and equitable. From the FSPH experts who are shaping health care policies and health care systems to the students and recent graduates poised to parlay their FSPH education into future leadership roles, the Fielding School is on the front lines in bringing about change locally, statewide, and nationally so that everyone receives the care that can advance their health.
Haroutune K. Armenian, MD, DrPH Professor-in-Residence, Epidemiology; Thomas R. Belin, PhD Professor, Biostatistics; Pamina Gorbach, DrPH Professor, Epidemiology; Moira Inkelas, PhD Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management; Marjorie Kagawa-Singer, PhD, MN Professor Emerita, Community Health Sciences; Cathy Lang, PhD Director for Research Administration; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Community Health Sciences; Michael Prelip, DPA Professor and Chair, Community Health Sciences; Beate Ritz, PhD Professor, Epidemiology and Environmental Health Sciences; May C. Wang, DrPH Professor, Community Health Sciences; Elizabeth Yzquierdo, EdD Assistant Dean for Student Affairs; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Community Health Sciences; Zuo-Feng Zhang, MD, PhD Associate Dean for Research; Professor, Epidemiology; Yifang Zhu, PhD Associate Dean for Academic Programs; Professor, Environmental Health Sciences; Frederick Zimmerman, PhD Professor, Health Policy and Management; Lori S. Pelliccioni, JD, MPH '96, PhD '02 President, Public Health Alumni Association
Carla Denly
Executive Editor & Asst. Dean for Communications
Dan Gordon
Editor & Writer
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