
June 24, 2019
Center for Healthcare Management established at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health

The UCLA Fielding School of Public Health has launched a new center that will bring together top academic researchers, students, and established healthcare executives and practitioners to explore critical issues in the management of healthcare organizations, while improving the state of knowledge and practice.

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June 10, 2019
Twelve years after landmark treaty on rights of persons with disabilities, UCLA WORLD Policy Analysis Center finds evidence of marked progress, but gaps remain that leave more than 160 million behind

On June 12 at the United Nations (UN) in New York City, the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health’s WORLD Policy Analysis Center will release the first comprehensive look at laws governing rights to nondiscrimination, inclusion and reasonable accommodations at school and work for all 193 UN member states.

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child eating an apple
April 23, 2019
UCLA–Tulane study finds improved WIC food packages reduced children’s risk for obesity

Sweeping changes designed to make the food more nutritious in a federal assistance program for low-income families reduced the risk for obesity for 4-year-olds who had been on the program since birth, according to new research.

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April 3, 2019
Current methods may inadequately measure human health impacts from oil and natural gas extraction

Research from the UCLA FSPH, UC Berkeley & Cornell University conducted an examination of peer-reviewed studies published over 6 years on hazardous air pollutants associated with the extraction of oil & natural gas, & found that that measurements of hazardous air pollutant concentrations near operational sites have failed to capture levels above standard health benchmarks.

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two boys
March 28, 2019
Living near green space boosts teenagers’ mental health, UCLA study finds
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March 20, 2019
California state and county officials falling short in evaluating use of agricultural pesticides

A new study by UCLA and University of Southern California researchers, including Fielding School professors Tim Malloy and John Froines, concludes that commissioners are issuing permits for pesticide use without considering safer alternatives, and without evaluating the health implications of “cumulative exposure."

Source: UCLA Newsroom Read Full Article
March 4, 2019
Kaiser Permanente Chairman and CEO Bernard J. Tyson named UCLA Fielding School of Public Health 2019 commencement speaker
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February 19, 2019
Low-income undocumented adults are largely locked out of health care in California
Source: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research Read Full Article
map of Mexico
January 24, 2019
Homicidios están borrando las ganancias en la esperanza de vida entre los hombres mexicanos, según estudio de UCLA

La tasa de homicidios en México aumentó tan drásticamente entre 2005 y 2015 que compensó parcialmente los aumentos esperados en la esperanza de vida entre los hombres, según un nuevo estudio realizado por un investigador de salud pública de la UCLA.

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map of Mexico
January 24, 2019
Increasing murder rate is erasing gains in life expectancy among Mexican men, UCLA research reports

The murder rate in Mexico increased so dramatically between 2005 and 2015 that it partially offset expected gains in life expectancy among men there, according to a new study by a UCLA public health researcher.

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hands holding
January 16, 2019
California must build workforce to serve older adults’ behavioral health needs, UCLA report says

A new study by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research at the Fielding School finds that California’s public mental health workforce is poorly prepared to address their mental health needs and provide treatment for substance abuse.

Source: UCLA Newsroom Read Full Article
volunteer helping an elderly person
December 18, 2018
California teens who volunteer and engage in civic life are healthier, aim higher in education

High school teens in California who volunteer, take part in community aid groups, and join school or other clubs are healthier and more likely to aspire to attending college, according to a study by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.

Source: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research Read Full Article