THE DISCOVERY IN THE 1980s linking the human papillomavirus (HPV) to nearly all cases of cervical cancer led to the groundbreaking development of a cancer-prevention vaccine, approved for use in females in 2006 and for males in 2009. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommends that the HPV vaccine — which can prevent cervical, anal, vulvar, vaginal, penile and certain throat cancers, as well as genital warts — be offered routinely to adolescents and young adults ages 11-26. The vaccines are administered in two (ages 11-14 years) or three (age 15 or older) doses over the course of about 6-12 months.
But 12 years after the HPV vaccine was introduced, usage rates among adolescents remain disappointingly low, says Dr. Roshan Bastani , Fielding School professor, director of the UCLA Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Equity and director for disparities and community engagement in the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center . Nationally, in 2016, just 60 percent of 13-17 year olds had received the first dose of the vaccine, and only 43 percent had completed the series, according to CDC data.
Bastani attributes this in part to missteps in the way the vaccine was introduced. “The fact that it was initially promoted by the pharmaceutical industry and certain legislators raised suspicions among some people,” she says. “In addition, HPV is a sexually transmitted virus and there were early media reports of concern among parents that receipt of the vaccine would encourage their child to engage in sexual activity. Our own research and that of others around the country has shown that most parents do not hold such beliefs. We do know that many providers do not routinely recommend the vaccine to their patients, and that some providers are not comfortable having a discussion about a sexually transmitted virus with parents of young adolescents.”
To learn how health systems can effectively increase HPV vaccination rates, Bastani heads a $6.6 million, five-year study funded by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). The study is being done through a partnership with the Northeast Valley Health Corporation (NEVHC), a multisite federally qualified health center (FQHC) serving a low-income population in Los Angeles’ San Fernando and Santa Clarita valleys. Bastani’s team — including Drs. Beth Glenn , Alison Herrmann (PhD ’12) and Catherine Crespi from the Fielding School and Debra Rosen and Dr. Gina Johnson from NEVHC — will compare three strategies:
A system-level strategy targeting physicians, staff and clinic-level policies, procedures and practices;
Text-messaging or mailing reminders to parents of NEVHC adolescent patients who are due for a dose of the HPV vaccine; and
A combination of the system-level and parent-reminder strategies. More than 17,000 HPV vaccine eligible adolescents will receive services at participating NEVHC clinics during the five-year study period. The impact of each strategy will be assessed through a review of NEVHC’s electronic medical records.
The team has been laying the groundwork for the current study for nearly a decade, beginning shortly after the vaccine was introduced. In partnership with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, NEVHC and other community clinics, the FSPH researchers have conducted multiple studies to learn about parental knowledge and beliefs about the HPV vaccine and ways to improve vaccine uptake, and to pilot-test parent-reminder and system-level strategies.
This isn’t a vaccine to prevent a sexually transmitted disease; it’s a vaccine to prevent cancer.
Dr. Roshan Bastani
“We didn’t find major opposition to the vaccine; it was more that many parents didn’t know much about it,” says Glenn, an FSPH associate professor of health policy and management and associate director of the UCLA Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Equity . “Knowing that, we began to focus on developing interventions within health systems to make sure that parents were consistently offered the vaccine and were reminded when their adolescent was due.”
NEVHC, the community partner in the study, provides care to a primarily uninsured or publicly insured population in which only about one-third of the teens have received the full HPV vaccine series. “This is a great opportunity to better understand what interventions will work with our safety-net population,” says Rosen, NEVHC’s director of quality and health education. “We are excited to collaborate with the Fielding School and to share what we learn with other organizations.”
Rosen notes that many adolescent patients fail to return to the health center after getting the first dose of the HPV vaccine; to that end, the text and mail reminders will serve both to let parents know that their child is due and to reinforce the importance of completing the series.
But for any organization with limited resources, it is important for strategies to be not just effective, but also efficient. “Convincing individual patients is very inefficient,” Bastani says. “We need to look at systematic changes that will serve patients today, tomorrow and into the future.” Among the system-level changes being emphasized at NEVHC is to view each visit by an adolescent patient, even if it’s for another purpose, as an opportunity to determine whether an HPV vaccine is due, and to offer it when it is. The NEVHC physicians are also being encouraged to make the HPV vaccine a more routine part of practice in the same way that vaccines are routinely ordered for younger-age children, and to de-emphasize that the virus is sexually transmitted. “This isn’t a vaccine to prevent a sexually transmitted disease; it’s a vaccine to prevent cancer,” Bastani says.
The UCLA-NEVHC study is funded through PCORI’s Pragmatic Clinical Studies initiative, which aims to produce results that are broadly applicable to a diverse range of patients and health care settings and can be more quickly adopted in routine clinical practice. “Making an impact on 17,000 patients in this one system is huge,” Bastani says. “But what we learn from this study will also have the potential to improve the prevention of HPV-related cancers in other low-resource clinical settings across the country. This is an extremely safe vaccine that prevents a horrible disease from ever developing. It is important that we learn how to ensure that it’s reaching the population.”
Faculty Referenced by this Article
Roshan Bastani
Health Policy and Management
Beth Glenn
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Lisa V. Smith
Shira Shafir
Community Health Sciences
Cathy Lang
Assistant Dean for Research & Adjunct Associate Professor of Community Health Sciences
Community Health Sciences
Yusuke Tsugawa
Health Policy and Management
Jesus Araujo
Environmental Health Sciences
Diana Hilberman
Health Policy and Management
Lillian Gelberg
Health Policy and Management
Michele Guindani
Ron Andersen
Dr. Ron Andersen is the Wasserman Professor Emeritus in the UCLA Departments of Health Policy and Management.
Health Policy and Management
Akihiro Nishi
Irwin Suffet
Environmental Health Sciences
Ron D. Hays
Health Policy and Management
Zuo-Feng Zhang
Otoniel Martinez-Maza
Lawrence Ash
Jason H. Moore
Automated and accessible artificial intelligence methods and software for biomedical data science.
Kelika Konda
Alan Tomines
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Jennifer A. Wagman
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Jian Li
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Peter R. Kerndt
Kirsten Schwarz
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Timothy Malloy
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Vonthanak Saphonn
Dvora Joseph Davey
Dr. Joseph Davey is an infectious disease epidemiologist with over 20 years' experience leading research on HIV/STI services for women and children.
Samuel Stratton
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Nadereh Pourat
Health Policy and Management
Joseph Zoller
Mark Litwin
Health Policy and Management
Michael Goldstein
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Liwei Chen
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Nicole Green
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Marissa Seamans
Chandra Ford
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Tao Huai
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Paula Tavrow
Community Health Sciences
Dena Herman
Community Health Sciences
Kristen Choi
Health Policy and Management
Brunilda Balliu
Robert Brook
Health Policy and Management
Jody Heymann
Health Policy and Management
James Macinko
Professor of Community Health Sciences & Health Policy and Management, and Associate Dean for Research
Community Health Sciences
Health Policy and Management
David Eisenman
Community Health Sciences
Brian Cole
Environmental Health Sciences
Thomas R. Belin
Naomi Greene
Emmeline Chuang
Health Policy and Management
Ondine S. von Ehrenstein
Community Health Sciences
Lori Pelliccioni
Health Policy and Management
Dana Hunnes
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Frederick Zimmerman
Health Policy and Management
Isomi Miake-Lye
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Haroutune Armenian
Jessica Gipson
Community Health Sciences
Olivia Jung
Health Policy and Management
Pamela Davidson
Health Policy and Management
Carol Mangione
Health Policy and Management
Candace Tsai
Associate Professor for Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Health Sciences
Environmental Health Sciences
Deborah Glik
Community Health Sciences
Gerald Kominski
Health Policy and Management
Ronald Halbert
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Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh
Deborah Anne Freund
Health Policy and Management
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Hyun J. Grace Kim
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Avram Kaplan
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André Nel
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Roch A. Nianogo
Hamid Arabzadeh
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Roberta Malmgren
Christie Jeon
Emily Abel
Health Policy and Management
Clifford Ko
Health Policy and Management
Roger Detels
Elizabeth Rose Mayeda
Dorota M. Dabrowska
Annette Maxwell
Health Policy and Management
Daniel Eisenberg
Health Policy and Management
Timothy Brewer
Kenneth Wells
Health Policy and Management
William Comanor
Health Policy and Management
Steven Teutsch
Health Policy and Management
Samuel Sessions
Health Policy and Management
Stephanie L. Taylor
Nationally recognized health services researcher and sociomedical scientist with 25+ years' experience in effectiveness and implementation research.
Health Policy and Management
Jonathan Fielding
Health Policy and Management
Elizabeth Yzquierdo
Community Health Sciences
Brian Bradbury
Kevin Njabo
Environmental Health Sciences
Maral DerSarkissian
Burt Cowgill
Health Policy and Management
Bo-Kyung Elizabeth Kim
Community Health Sciences
Marc Suchard
May C. Wang
Community Health Sciences
Jared Diamond
Environmental Health Sciences
Yoshira Ornelas Van Horne
Environmental Health Sciences
Jose J. Escarce
Health Policy and Management
Lara Cushing
Environmental Health Sciences
David Hayes-Bautista
Health Policy and Management
Jonathan Jacobs
Susan Ettner
Health Policy and Management
Risha Gidwani
Health Policy and Management
Randall Kuhn
Community Health Sciences
Robert Schiestl
Environmental Health Sciences
Michael Rodriguez
Community Health Sciences
Jane Valentine
Environmental Health Sciences
Sander Greenland
Judith M. Siegel
Community Health Sciences
Niklas Krause
Environmental Health Sciences
Sangeeta Ahluwalia
Health Policy and Management
Nathan D. Wong
Pamina Gorbach
Thomas D. Gordon
Health Policy and Management
Charlotte G. Neumann
Community Health Sciences
Kimberley Shoaf
Community Health Sciences
Srikanth Kadiyala
Health Policy and Management
Karin B. Michels
Virginia C. Li
Community Health Sciences
Oliver Hankinson
Dr. Hankinson is a Distinguished Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and of EHS, and Chair of the Molecular Toxicology IDP
Environmental Health Sciences
Natalie Muth
Community Health Sciences
Jack Needleman
Health Policy and Management
Dylan Roby
Health Policy and Management
Brennan Spiegel
Health Policy and Management
Wendelin Slusser
Community Health Sciences
Sandra Aronberg
Health Policy and Management
Elizabeth (Becky) Yano
Health Policy and Management
Patricia Ganz
Health Policy and Management
William G. Cumberland
Jean Balgrosky
Health Policy and Management
Xi Zhu
Health Policy and Management
Donatello Telesca
Michael Galper
Health Policy and Management
Susan Cochran
Miriam Marlier
Environmental Health Sciences
Thomas Priselac
Health Policy and Management
William J. McCarthy
Health Policy and Management
Yvonne Flores
Health Policy and Management
Anthony Hunter Schiff
Health Policy and Management
Ron Brookmeyer
Leeka I. Kheifets
Arthur Winer
Environmental Health Sciences
Kimberly Gregory
Community Health Sciences
David Gjertson
Daniel Uslan
Environmental Health Sciences
Ty Robbins
Health Policy and Management
Paul Dluzniewski
Paul Chung
Health Policy and Management
Richard Ambrose
Environmental Health Sciences
Ralph R. Frerichs
Catherine M. Crespi
Rachael Jones
Environmental Health Sciences
Robert Weiss
Alice Kuo
Health Policy and Management
Sung-Jae Lee
Falco J. Bargagli Stoffi
Robert J. Kim-Farley
Robert J. Kim-Farley, MD, MPH, is a Professor-in-Residence with joint appointments in the Departments of Epidemiology and Community Health Sciences
Community Health Sciences
Marjan Javanbakht
Angelo Bellomo
Environmental Health Sciences
Aria Fallah
Health Policy and Management
Michelle S. Keller
Dr. Michelle S. Keller is a health services researcher whose research focuses on the use and prescribing of high-risk medications.
Health Policy and Management
Leah Vriesman
Health Policy and Management
Abdelmonem A. Afifi
Annette Regan
Wendie Robbins
Environmental Health Sciences
Moira Inkelas
Health Policy and Management
Michael Prelip
Community Health Sciences
Gilbert C. Gee
Community Health Sciences
Felicia Hodge
Health Policy and Management
Michael Collins
Environmental Health Sciences
Sarah Blenner
Director of Field Studies and Applied Professional Training
Community Health Sciences
David Elashoff
Ximena Vergara
Teresa Ellen Seeman
Ninez Ponce
Health Policy and Management
Weng Kee Wong
Neal Halfon
Health Policy and Management
Marjorie Kagawa-Singer
Community Health Sciences
Martin L. Lee
Sheba George
Community Health Sciences
Paul Fu, Jr.
Health Policy and Management
Warren Scott Comulada
Health Policy and Management
Ilan H. Meyer
Community Health Sciences
Sheena G. Sullivan
Angie Otiniano Verissimo
Community Health Sciences
Jennifer Wortham
Health Policy and Management
Vickie Mays
Health Policy and Management
Pouran D. Faghri
Environmental Health Sciences
Thomas Rice
Health Policy and Management
May Sudhinaraset
Community Health Sciences
Anne Pebley
Community Health Sciences
Jingyi Jessica Li
Feng Gao
Environmental Health Sciences
Hiram Beltrán-Sánchez
Community Health Sciences
Michael Ong
Health Policy and Management
Sudipto Banerjee
Joann G. Elmore
Health Policy and Management
Robert Kaplan
Health Policy and Management
Pablo Cicero-Fernandez
Environmental Health Sciences
Z. John Lu
Health Policy and Management
Frank J. Sorvillo
Naomi Zewde
Health Policy and Management
Yifang Zhu
Environmental Health Sciences
Dawn Upchurch
Community Health Sciences
Anne Coleman
Alexandra Binder
Laura Erskine
Health Policy and Management
Dallas Swendeman
Catherine Ann Sugar
Arlene Fink
Health Policy and Management
Christina Ramirez
Corrina Moucheraud
Health Policy and Management
Barbara Berman
Health Policy and Management
Elizabeth D’Amico
Community Health Sciences
Dana Rose Garfin
Community Health Sciences
Peter Katona
Matthew J. Mimiaga
Alina Dorian
Community Health Sciences
Linda Rosenstock
Environmental Health Sciences
Health Policy and Management
Julie A. Elginer
EMPH Academic Program Director with expertise in healthcare marketing, finance, and reproductive health policy, teaching in the EMPH, MPH, MHA program
Health Policy and Management
Julia Bailey
Courtney S. Thomas Tobin
Community Health Sciences
Curtis Eckhert
Environmental Health Sciences
Michael Jerrett
Environmental Health Sciences
Andrew Holbrook
Shane Que Hee
Industrial Hygiene & Analytical Chemistry
Environmental Health Sciences
Onyebuchi A. Arah
Damla Senturk
Alison Herrmann
Health Policy and Management
Catherine M. Crespi
Naomi Zewde
Health Policy and Management
Donatello Telesca
Yoshira Ornelas Van Horne
Environmental Health Sciences
Julie Carafelli
Health Policy and Management
Xi Zhu
Health Policy and Management
Brittney Hawkins
Community Health Sciences
Abdelmonem A. Afifi
Damla Senturk
Irwin Suffet
Environmental Health Sciences
Marjorie Kagawa-Singer
Community Health Sciences
Jian Li
Environmental Health Sciences
Adelin Lo
Health Policy and Management
Emily Abel
Health Policy and Management
Jane Valentine
Environmental Health Sciences
Marc Suchard
Ilan H. Meyer
Community Health Sciences
Daniel Eisenberg
Health Policy and Management
Yifang Zhu
Environmental Health Sciences
Leah Vriesman
Health Policy and Management
Jonathan Fielding
Health Policy and Management
Brian Bradbury
Joseph Zoller
Nicole Hadjioannou
Jody Heymann
Health Policy and Management
Judith M. Siegel
Community Health Sciences
Hiram Beltrán-Sánchez
Community Health Sciences
Arthur Winer
Environmental Health Sciences
Jonathan Jacobs
Julie A. Elginer
EMPH Academic Program Director with expertise in healthcare marketing, finance, and reproductive health policy, teaching in the EMPH, MPH, MHA program
Health Policy and Management
Frank J. Sorvillo
Olivia Jung
Health Policy and Management
William G. Cumberland
Candace Tsai
Associate Professor for Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Health Sciences
Environmental Health Sciences
Ronald Halbert
Community Health Sciences
May C. Wang
Community Health Sciences
Beth Glenn
Health Policy and Management
Eric Wilks
Office Administrator
Dallas Swendeman
Roch A. Nianogo
Weihao Zhou
Senior Public Administration Analyst
Richard Ambrose
Environmental Health Sciences
Zuo-Feng Zhang
Ruzanna Margaryan
Elizabeth Yzquierdo
Community Health Sciences
Warren Scott Comulada
Health Policy and Management
Paul Dluzniewski
Risha Gidwani
Health Policy and Management
Jackie Cisneros
Environmental Health Sciences
Mark Litwin
Health Policy and Management
Rebecca Wolfe
Assistant to the Dean
Jessica Tuan
Project Coordinator
Nathan D. Wong
Jose J. Escarce
Health Policy and Management
Kathlene Avakian
Assistant Chief Financial Officer
Sheba George
Community Health Sciences
Kyle Sullivan
Director, Executive Programs in Health Policy and Management
Health Policy and Management
Jesus Araujo
Environmental Health Sciences
Andrew Holbrook
Virginia C. Li
Community Health Sciences
Sevan Sherikian
Program Manager, Operation Armenia
Community Health Sciences
Z. John Lu
Health Policy and Management
Katherine McNamara
Executive Director, Center for Healthy Climate Solutions
Dana Hunnes
Community Health Sciences
Minette Ozuna
Director, Academic and Staff Human Resources
Rey Soto
Data Systems Analyst
Patricia Ganz
Health Policy and Management
Deborah Glik
Community Health Sciences
Elizabeth Rose Mayeda
William J. McCarthy
Health Policy and Management
Peter R. Kerndt
Robert Weiss
Beate Ritz
Environmental Health Sciences
Adrian Aini
Student Affairs Officer
Community Health Sciences
Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh
Peter Saenz
Staff Human Resources Analyst
Angelo Bellomo
Environmental Health Sciences
Carolina Cormack Orellana
Kevin Njabo
Environmental Health Sciences
May Sudhinaraset
Community Health Sciences
Shirley Watanabe
Joselyne Franco
Contract and Grant Analyst
Jean Balgrosky
Health Policy and Management
Feng Gao
Environmental Health Sciences
Linda Rosenstock
Environmental Health Sciences
Health Policy and Management
Michael Jerrett
Environmental Health Sciences
Vilsa Eliana Curto
Health Policy and Management
Lisa V. Smith
Diana Hilberman
Health Policy and Management
Nora Sweeney
Director, Office of Public Health Practice
Naomi Greene
Natalie Muth
Community Health Sciences
Akihiro Nishi
Cathy Lang
Assistant Dean for Research & Adjunct Associate Professor of Community Health Sciences
Community Health Sciences
Alina Dorian
Community Health Sciences
Nicole Werking
Associate Director of Development & Alumni Affairs
Roger Detels
Paula Tavrow
Community Health Sciences
Jack Needleman
Health Policy and Management
Sarah Nickerson
Academic Personnel Coordinator/Assistant to the Chair
Community Health Sciences
Alan Tomines
Health Policy and Management
Frederick Zimmerman
Health Policy and Management
Michele Guindani
Barbara Berman
Health Policy and Management
Haroutune Armenian
Irish del Rosario
Samuel Sessions
Health Policy and Management
Brunilda Balliu
Andre Nguyen
Pablo Cicero-Fernandez
Environmental Health Sciences
David Elashoff
Robert J. Kim-Farley
Robert J. Kim-Farley, MD, MPH, is a Professor-in-Residence with joint appointments in the Departments of Epidemiology and Community Health Sciences
Community Health Sciences
Carol Mangione
Health Policy and Management
Ron Andersen
Dr. Ron Andersen is the Wasserman Professor Emeritus in the UCLA Departments of Health Policy and Management.
Health Policy and Management
Timothy Brewer
Ty Robbins
Health Policy and Management
Ximena Vergara
Karin B. Michels
Gerald Kominski
Health Policy and Management
Kenneth Wells
Health Policy and Management
Sean Tan
Senior Public Administration Analyst
Colleen Habacon
Sung-Jae Lee
Andrew Lee
Senior Fund Manager
Michael Prelip
Community Health Sciences
Daniel Cheng
Roxy Naranjo
Jose Ruiz-Rodriguez
Admissions Manager
Liwei Chen
Professor in Epidemiology
Isomi Miake-Lye
Health Policy and Management
Michelle Garcia-Navarro
Senior Director of Admissions and Financial Aid
Philip Massey
Community Health Sciences
Steven Teutsch
Health Policy and Management
Jonathan Bates
Community Health Sciences
Thomas D. Gordon
Health Policy and Management
Caroline Gallaher
Senior Director of Development
Humphrey Duan
William Comanor
Health Policy and Management
Kirstin Chickering
Roshan Bastani
Health Policy and Management
Angie Otiniano Verissimo
Community Health Sciences
Nick Young
Facilities Coordinator
Michael Galper
Health Policy and Management
Neal Halfon
Health Policy and Management
Kristy J. Sherrer
Director of Career Services
Robert Kaplan
Health Policy and Management
Michael Collins
Environmental Health Sciences
James Macinko
Professor of Community Health Sciences & Health Policy and Management, and Associate Dean for Research
Community Health Sciences
Health Policy and Management
Felicia Hodge
Health Policy and Management
Samuel Stratton
Community Health Sciences
Porchia Toussaint
Assistant Director, MPH for Health Professionals Program
Community Health Sciences
Dawn Upchurch
Community Health Sciences
Anne Coleman
Jennifer A. Wagman
Community Health Sciences
Gonzalo Moreno
Gilbert C. Gee
Community Health Sciences
Lawrence Ash
Bonnie Taub
Chair/Associate Director - LAI
Community Health Sciences
Annette Bartlett
Senior Academic Payroll and Human Resources Analyst
Laura Erskine
Health Policy and Management
Arthur Cho
Environmental Health Sciences
Oliver Hankinson
Dr. Hankinson is a Distinguished Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and of EHS, and Chair of the Molecular Toxicology IDP
Environmental Health Sciences
Christie Jeon
Sander Greenland
Jennifer Scott Powers
Assistant Dean for Development and Alumni Affairs
Kristie Allen
Director of Corporate, Foundation & Research Relations
Miriam Marlier
Environmental Health Sciences
Kimberley Shoaf
Community Health Sciences
Charlotte G. Neumann
Community Health Sciences
Anne Pebley
Community Health Sciences
Pamina Gorbach
Marissa Seamans
Otoniel Martinez-Maza
Vickie Mays
Health Policy and Management
Annette Regan
Valerie Kryger
Health Policy and Management
Joelle Wolstein
Research Scientist
Health Policy and Management
Ondine S. von Ehrenstein
Community Health Sciences
Thomas Rice
Health Policy and Management
Maria Porras
Health Policy and Management
Burt Cowgill
Health Policy and Management
Curtis Eckhert
Environmental Health Sciences
Hannah Bateman
Assistant Director
Jared Diamond
Environmental Health Sciences
Jason H. Moore
Automated and accessible artificial intelligence methods and software for biomedical data science.
Catherine Ann Sugar
Chandra Ford
Community Health Sciences
Nicole Green
Environmental Health Sciences
Eric Malmquist
Assistant Director, Academic and Staff Human Resources
Falco J. Bargagli Stoffi
Jingyi Jessica Li
Randall Kuhn
Community Health Sciences
Flor Vasquez
Administrator, California Health Interview Survey
Kathryn Kietzman
Community Health Sciences
Elizabeth D’Amico
Community Health Sciences
Bo-Kyung Elizabeth Kim
Community Health Sciences
Ron D. Hays
Health Policy and Management
Leeka I. Kheifets
Paul Fu, Jr.
Health Policy and Management
Christina Ramirez
Paul Chung
Health Policy and Management
Marisa Vela
Assistant to the Chair & Academic Personnel Coordinator
Jenna Mendoza
Health Policy and Management
Michael Rodriguez
Community Health Sciences
Anthony Hunter Schiff
Health Policy and Management
Kelika Konda
Jeanne Miranda
Health Policy and Management
Timothy Malloy
Environmental Health Sciences
Michael Ong
Health Policy and Management
Ramces Jimenez
Sandra Aronberg
Health Policy and Management
Luis España
Environmental Health Sciences
Gina Ruiz
Health Policy and Management
Shane Que Hee
Industrial Hygiene & Analytical Chemistry
Environmental Health Sciences
David Hayes-Bautista
Health Policy and Management
Jacqueline Beltran
Lindsay Rice
Director of Undergraduate Experiential Learning
Lori Pelliccioni
Health Policy and Management
Annette Maxwell
Health Policy and Management
Thomas Priselac
Health Policy and Management
Pouran D. Faghri
Environmental Health Sciences
Roberta Malmgren
Susan Ettner
Health Policy and Management
Rachel Veerman
Bixby Center Administrator
Community Health Sciences
André Nel
Environmental Health Sciences
Sheena G. Sullivan
Kimberly Gregory
Community Health Sciences
Wendelin Slusser
Community Health Sciences
Arturo Vargas Bustamante
Health Policy and Management
Courtney S. Thomas Tobin
Community Health Sciences
Teresa Ellen Seeman
Jessica Gipson
Community Health Sciences
Nadereh Pourat
Health Policy and Management
Aria Fallah
Health Policy and Management
Michael Goldstein
Community Health Sciences
Uyen Ha
Community Health Sciences
Ron Brookmeyer
Peter Katona
Shira Shafir
Community Health Sciences
Marielle Castaneda
Health Policy and Management
David Gjertson
Susan Babey
Health Policy and Management
Deborah Anne Freund
Health Policy and Management
Robert Brook
Health Policy and Management
Angela Rose David
Community Health Sciences
Avram Kaplan
Health Policy and Management
Onyebuchi A. Arah
Richard J. Jackson
Environmental Health Sciences
Lara Cushing
Environmental Health Sciences
Matthew J. Mimiaga
Jessica Stevermer
Grants Officer
Donald E. Morisky
Community Health Sciences
Kristen Choi
Health Policy and Management
Stephanie L. Taylor
Nationally recognized health services researcher and sociomedical scientist with 25+ years' experience in effectiveness and implementation research.
Health Policy and Management
Martin L. Lee
Marjan Javanbakht
Brian Cole
Environmental Health Sciences
Daniel Uslan
Environmental Health Sciences
Jennifer Wortham
Health Policy and Management
Hamid Arabzadeh
Environmental Health Sciences
Pamela Davidson
Health Policy and Management
Alexandra Binder
Julia Bailey
Dena Herman
Community Health Sciences
Vonthanak Saphonn
Bryan Astrachan
Community Health Sciences
Joann G. Elmore
Health Policy and Management
Nataly Soberanes
Research Administration Analyst
Sudipto Banerjee
Ralph R. Frerichs
Yvonne Flores
Health Policy and Management
Ninez Ponce
Health Policy and Management
Maral DerSarkissian
Sarah Blenner
Director of Field Studies and Applied Professional Training
Community Health Sciences
Sukhwinder Sagoo
Assistant Director of Admissions
Chandler Eldridge
Wendie Robbins
Environmental Health Sciences
Lisa Stanley
Project Director, Data Informed Futures
Moira Inkelas
Health Policy and Management
Tao Huai
Environmental Health Sciences
Corrina Moucheraud
Health Policy and Management
Thomas R. Belin
Leonel Ibarra
Chief Financial Officer
Srikanth Kadiyala
Health Policy and Management
Sangeeta Ahluwalia
Health Policy and Management
Lindsey Lorenzana
Environmental Health Sciences
Weng Kee Wong
Luis Diaz
Project Specialist
Community Health Sciences
Daniela Abrahamian
Community Health Sciences
Susan Cochran
Alice Kuo
Health Policy and Management
Kathy Silva
Program Coordinator, Public Scholars Training Program
Hyun J. Grace Kim
Yusuke Tsugawa
Health Policy and Management
Dorota M. Dabrowska
Emmeline Chuang
Health Policy and Management
Michelle S. Keller
Dr. Michelle S. Keller is a health services researcher whose research focuses on the use and prescribing of high-risk medications.
Health Policy and Management
Anna Lim
Health Policy and Management
Lillian Gelberg
Health Policy and Management
Robert Schiestl
Environmental Health Sciences
Brennan Spiegel
Health Policy and Management
Arlene Fink
Health Policy and Management
Niklas Krause
Environmental Health Sciences
Rachael Jones
Environmental Health Sciences
Dvora Joseph Davey
Dr. Joseph Davey is an infectious disease epidemiologist with over 20 years' experience leading research on HIV/STI services for women and children.
Dylan Roby
Health Policy and Management
David Eisenman
Community Health Sciences
Parneet Ghuman
Health Policy and Management
Dana Rose Garfin
Community Health Sciences
Willetta Waisath
Senior Research Analyst & Research Manager
Elizabeth (Becky) Yano
Health Policy and Management
Clifford Ko
Health Policy and Management
Kirsten Schwarz
Environmental Health Sciences
Janae Hubbard
Program Director